How does Roon's version of radio compare to Pandora's genome project?

I like streaming to discover new music, I really like Pandora's genome project and the ability to create a radio station based on a song-they do it really well. I tried Spotify for this but was disappointed, Quobuz is even worse-cant belive how far off some of the recomend songs were. I'm interested in getting Roon for song recommendations based on a favorite song, how well does this feature work there? If Roon's version of creating radio stations is as good as Pandora's then I'll get this feature plus great sound quality. 


Showing 1 response by erik_squires

I've never tried Spotify but I think Roon does a decent job.  The biggest issue I have is that it's album searches across Quboz and Tidal are incomplete vs. using the apps directly.  I'm not sure if this is a purely Tiidal issue, but it seems to be a bug that's lasted a while.