How do you justify $125.00 for a new vinyl record

Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks 180g 45RPM 2LP Box Set
now going for $200.00+

This record and many like it were cut from a digital copy of the analog master tape which means it has stereo + mono depth perception so a comparison to a 1st pressing with stereo + stereo depth perception will expose the truth about how inferior the sound quality is. Back in the 50’s,60’s,70’s vinyl was vinyl and that was that.Now you have a choice based on how much you are willing to spend as to how much the sound quality will suck. l can damn sure bet you that a digital download at 16/44 using an allpass filter to remove the dynamic compression for the loudness wars and then re-encoded with the 33 hertz frequency will blow the mofi vinyl away. 

Sam here and record store day and single vinyl records going for upwards of $50.00 lf i didn't know better i would think the record companies were either trying to commit vinyl suicide or the greedy bastards are trying to establish the tipping point either way this is madness and there is 100% an agenda behind the madness.

Don't worry Sam, markets are amazingly efficient at self correction.  A pricing equilibrium is quickly established at what the market will support.  An immediate feedback loop.  You think an industry is willing to lose money for decades selling to a non-captive market at prices that are unsupportable by buyers? lol  You find it offensive which simply means you aren't part of this particular market and the market seems perfectly content with your non participation.  Time to move on to your market demographic - flea markets where you can participate based on your value model and sense of equity.  
I own it and it sounds excellent via my ears.  Just purchased an unopened 33.3 MoFi of Low Spark of High Healed Boys from 1985 (I think) for $150.  Amazing sound.  Jumps out at you and you can hear the subtleties that You can hear on the other versions I own.
Why should anyone have to justify anything?  If you want it and can afford it, buy it.  If not, don't.

While no one has to justify anything, and it is true that "high end' has always been expensive, but that was for a reason, "expensive parts and construction"; now we have totally absurd prices for many items, and those prices only exist because the rich have gotten much richer, so rich as a matter of fact that they simply buy the most expensive and assume it is the best.

I worked for rich people in the 80's, and they were always "cost conscious"; however, I don't believe those same people are cost conscious today, because there are ways that rich people have made "astronomical profits" since then, and when you earn that much excess cash, simply buy the most expensive and assume it is the best.

There are so many of those people around, that some manufactures test the limit at to how much they will pay; compare the most expensive turntables and cartridges to get an example; also don't leave out the most expensive interconnects.
String - I am this close to ordering a car $99£ and the engine ( 4 banger Turbo ) is good for 80 hours before rebuilding.... excellent value - for a race car !!!!

fun, but I agree, why justify anything?