How do I open a command console window in a Mac

I want to uninstall the Hiface program and have the instructions but cannot find where to actually enter the instructions. The Hiface manual says: "Open a console" but the only thing I can bring up (find) is the console log. Help! BTW, I am using OSX 10.5.8 Leopard on an iMac.
Well, nothing happened! Hiface still does not show up in Audio Systems Prefs or Midi set-up OR applications. Looks like the download is just not getting those drivers installed. I have the driver disc that came with the Hiface but it is the small sized version so as soon as I can find a person with a Mac that has a slide out CD tray I will attempt to burn a normal sized CD copy and see if using the disc works better than what I have been experiencing. Thanks to each of you for your comments. They have been good - some things that I had not thought of before and for that I am now more educated!
Thanks Jamscience: I had done exactly what you said but did not got the Audio Systems Prefs. Thanks for the tip, I will try it now.

Did the installer launch when you downloaded the file? If not, you've only downloaded the file. Go to the downloads folder and double click on the file. It will automatically unzip into a M2Tech.dmg file. Then double click that file and a window will open up prompting you to install the file. After installation, the installer will prompt you to restart your Mac. After your Mac restarts go to the Audio System Prefs (not the Midi Setup) and select the M2Tech Hi-face driver.
OK! I found it and managed to type in the commands to uninstall Hiface, restarted the computer and reinstalled the download from the M2Tech web page but once again it seems to show up only in "downloads" . Where can I look in the computer to see if it is properly downloaded? Having it show up in "Downloads" doesn't seem to be doing the job when I look for it as an option in the Midi Setup. This is really getting frustrating. I'm beginning to like my old Pop Pulse converter more and more.
Yes, Almarg is right. In the Utilities folder inside your Applications folder is something called Open it and you'll get a terminal window where you can type command line instructions.
Hi Puerto,

I believe that what you should use to enter the "command line" instructions specified in the HiFace manual is OS-X's "terminal" function, not the "console" function. It would be under Applications/Utilities/Terminal.

Hope that helps,
-- Al