How could High End audio be improved?

I have read alot here about many of the complaints about where High-End audio is going, and maybe it's dying, and stuff like that. Are the prices getting too high, or is the hype out of control, or is there too much confusion, or are there too many products, or obsolescence happening too fast, or new formats confusing things, or Home Theater taking over, or what?

What do you think are the main problems in the High End, and what would solve them? What will it take to get some vitality back in this industry?

Showing 4 responses by cdc

A reliable way to know what the heck is going on.
Walmart starts selling it.

Many people aren't going to bother.
Warning: This is a post takes a negative look at hi-fi.

1)Component reviews are unreliable and can't be completely trusted.
2) Spec's don't tell the whole story.
3) Dealer showrooms are set up bad- component synergy, room acoustics, etc.
4) Customer can't bring everything home to try nor can they hear everything that is available.

So it is impossible to really know:
1) What is the BEST stereo for your money.
2) What BEST suits your individual taste.
3) Would you better off spending more money or less money.

So you spend your $10,000, bring it home and hope it sounds good. If you're not satisfied that it sound as good as it should, just spend more money until it does.

Is this why there are arguments about what is the best component? Trying to convince others or yourself that what you bought really is the best?

It does not seem possible to get the perfect system so you can either:
1) accept it and walk away feeling sort of insecure about your purchase.
2) devote a good part of your life to figuring out why not.

I don't see a resolution to any of these problems happening any time soon. Maybe some philosophy here would help. Where's ASA when you need him?
TNT had an interesting point with an inexpensive Rotel integrated:
This extreme detail notwithstanding, the amp is able to point straight to the main target, i.e. Music: while with other very detailed systems the listening experience becomes something like an hunting party for environmental noises, which prevent you from the very full immersion into the musical experience, here music remains always at the center, and detail is only a secondary item that makes reproduction more realistic.