How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
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This thread is a fascinating example of the psychology of audiophile marketing. As audiophiles we're always looking for ways to improve the performance of our systems and our enjoyment of listening to music. I have no doubt that carefully cleaning combined with using top flight media and high quality burners will improve the sound of regular stamped CDs. Unfortunately, there are people out there who are all too willing to cloak the process in mumbo-jumbo and charge high prices for what are effectively off the shelf products. As a group we need to be vigilant and ask tough questions from any manufacturer who makes bold performance claims without detailed technical, mainstream science explanations.
Just started reading this thread and thought I would point out that Arnie Nudell told us about the sonic benefits of duplicating on to black CDRs back in 2002 or there abouts. Here is a link to his company go to the download page and click on the "black CD saga" paper. I've been making black CD copies for years - makes a big difference on my system. This may be old news to many of you but thought I would toss this into the mix.

Mahalo for all the info.

Do you have a link to the IO shop?

I also wonder if an external burner with a separate power supply would produce similar results.
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Memorex manufactures black CD-Rs with a suggested retail price of $24.99 for a pack of 50.
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Tvad, I do value the duplicator, but I do wonder if RealityCheck added something of further value. I also don't know the answer to this either.
Tvad, I agree these are all unanswered questions. I also wonder when, if ever, anyone will know the answers.
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There are questions about whether there is value added by Reality Check, I have no idea what other questions you have in mind in your last sentence.

Mr Louis is a very poor advocate for his product.

I have just burned 10 more cds and will probably do more this weekend. Would you have me destroy my unit? Or say that I am wrong about its benefits? If so, you are out of luck.
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Tbg, why does it have to be far superior? Why can't it just equal the performance of the machine Mr. Louis sells?
Tvad, yes I saw it. Unless the IO Shop unit is far superior to my Mac duplicating a cd, however, Mr. Louis must be doing something further to the unit.
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He apparently chooses not to say more, but it is his post. Perhaps Clark or Bill will tell us more.
Here's a question--any idea what George Louis is apologizing for over on Audio Asylum General?
It is curious how different Audiogon and AudioAsylum threads are. I concede that there is no interest HERE. The nudniks seem influential here.
Counting the number of posts here in the last month regarding realitychoke (which is 0 incidentally), it stands to reason that the best discussion is elsewhere. Conclusion: no one is interested.
Kana813, I did make CES, but I thought my reservations were at 6:40 in the morning going out and they were at 6:40 pm. Everything was upset.
Tbg- Guess you didn't make it to CES. Anthony said you never called him.

Did you see the mention of George's products in's(CP) CES coverage?
The best threads on the RealityCheck procedure still are on the General Audioasylum.
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Splaskin, this is what George Louis emailed to me. "RealDisc™ doesn't eliminate or replace the
need for ClearDisc™ except for treating purposed when a disc isn't inordinately contaminated with dust and fingerprints." I think you are saying the same thing. When I get RealDisc, I think I will need to use ClearDisc to remove ClearBit on the originals that I have copied and then apply RealDisc to both flat sides.

New uncopied originals need only be cleaned with RealDisc and then have ClearBit applied to the rims.

The blank CDRs then are cleaned only with RealDisc followed by ClearBit. I assume that I need to make all new CDRs.
The ClearDisc cleans off the old ClearBit. The RealDisc is applied to the original CD and ClearBit on the rims of the original CD.

The CD-R is treated with RealDisc on the surfaces and rims; ClearBit on the surfaces only.

It Works!!!!
Splaskin, from all indications you are correct. Apparently there are still instances where you use ClearDisk. It sounds like you use RealDisc to clean off old ClearBit on originals. I assume that you then reburn copies on which you do not use ReadDisc. Correct?
ClearDisc is now used to clean off previous applications of ClearBit on the origianl CD. RealDisc is far superior to ClearDisc. ClearBit is now used on the rims of the origial CD, and the surfaces of the CD-R, but not the rims. Confusing? Not really.

Tbg, you are in for a real treat when you get your RealDisc.

There have been many posts concerning Real Disk on Audioasylum General, with many finding there to be further improvement. I have ordered some, but note it is not a total replacement for ClearDisc.
George has introduced a new product RealDisc™. Waiting time between treatment steps has been reduced to 1-minute from 5-minutes.
Yes, that is me. The modified unit has an outboard power supply (transformer-based) and a second power supply installed in the unit itself. The original switch-mode power supply has been removed. This allows one to disconnected or remove the fan as well. The modification can be done so that the AC cord goes in the RC or in the new outboard unit.

I sent three original CDs and the copies I made of each using my modified RC, to another member of the Audiogon community. I've invited him to post his honest responses, good or bad, to this thread.

I often compare:
1. the orignal CD
2. the RC copy
3. the modified RC copy

Sometimes I like number 1, sometimes I like number 3.
Exlibris, can you tell us more of your modified unit? Louis reported he has a customer who has added a linear supply and is exploring its benefits. Is the customer you? I have done nothing due to Christmas, CES coming up, and final exams.
I burned 5 CDs on George's black discs prior to modifying the unit. My comments refer to these 5 CDs and to the CDs I've made with my modified unit.
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Are these burned with your revised RC unit and on what blanks. I ask because I have more of a sense of the hall and recording venue with the RC copies on their blanks.
Mejames, I am still awaiting additional Verbatim "Super Azo" CD-Rs, but on the two I have, they prove not as good as the RC blanks. This is contrary to what Todd found. See:

I have also used run of the mill blanks from TDF and Verbatim. Others have had more experience with other blanks. See the many posts on AA by Quint.

I am like you in being impressed with the RC blanks used with the cleaner Louis sells.
" I do know several people, me included, who have tried to find better blanks with no success." Tbg
Tbg could you please elaborate upon your experience with various blanks?
Today Georges blanks just absolutely murdered the dirt cheap Iomation blanks and was clearly superior to the highly regarded Mitsui gold blanks
After listening to a number of live recordings I am reconsidering my blanket position on the duplicate CDs.

Tvad identified... "two definitions of "air" that are bandied about on Audiogon. One means blackness, or silence, between instruments and vocalists. The other definition of "air" means a sense of the recording venue: ambience, echo, reverberation...those aural cues that give the listener a sense of place."

I personally would never use the first of these to define "air." The second definition of "air" is just about perfect.

In my experience, the CD duplicates create a silence between images, but reduce "air." This tends to make poorly recorded studio albums sound cleaner and clearer.
Grant,its not embarassing, this is only audio, nothing
personal,I do value your opinion,and knowledge, and I do
mean it.I do agree its a matter of preference,thats
acceptable,Will I buy the RealityCheckCD and the solution?
I already bought the solution,Iam very close of making
the decision though, I have to give myself a Christmas
gift.There is a dealer here who is inviting me to attend
their demo this Saturday,I will try to attend.You know
$599 is not a cheap tweak.By the way I will get a free
copy,If I will attend.Cant beat that.Thanks
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Grant, that is the only cd I have,and I think Norm
might have, and I was right.Last night I listened again
and again, and again,again, again.I dont disagree with
you,I do respect your listening skill, it was proven
in my humble listening room,maestro.I am sure you heard
something I did not.I am just a baby if I will compare
myself to you in terms of audio.By the way I enjoy
your post and Jadem6 on the SACD thread.
Please don't assume guys that I much like Nora Jones. It was what came to mind when Jayctoy suggested something where he would not have to send me the original.
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Grant, this is also my experience, I want to share.
I am not particularly Crazy listening to Nora Jones,
but with the realitycheck copy,I end up listening
to Nora Jones hours after hours,this is after the
comparison.I even brought the two cd for comparison at work.
I end up listening to the copy.Suddenly Nora is
connecting to Bon.
Grant,what I meant about air, is blackness,ambience
with good macro and microdynamics,without compression
in the music, where I can picture and feel the instrument
going inside my soul being.Sorry for the late response.
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Tvad, not in my opinion. So what you wanted is for Jayctoy to say it has no high frequencies?