How can I get a discount on Roon lifetime price $699

Used to be $499.  $699 seems very high.  I wonder if discount codes are out there?
Using with qobuz.

Emergingsoul, that's a bummer. I wish that I could help you out, but I have no experience whatsoever with the Nucleus. I run Roon core from a headless Debian VM on my FreeNAS (now TrueNAS) mini. I also have all of my personal music on a SMB share on the mini. I was easily able to point the Roon core to the SMB share, and everything is cherries. The recent upgrade to Roon 1.8 was flawless.
I got lifetime. Sad that support is not very good. Have a problem accessing my computer files via network from a nucleus and they will not talk with you. They refer me to lots of support docs but they don’t help. Others seem to similar problems. Network file sharing is a problem with nucleus, and they know it. I have ssd on a nucleus and am very challenged to get music files on ss drive, interfaces are very poor.
Really sucks
I recently purchased the lifetime subscription at $699.99. I really like Roon, and I really don't see it disappearing in 6 years. Yes 700 is a lot of bones, but think about it this way. 699.99 / 119.88 is 5.8391. So the break-even point is 5 years and 10 months. That time will even be shorter, if you take into account that subscription fees will slowly rise over time. Which service doesn't do this? Most people say they really love how Roon organizes their music. I love this too, but my favorite feature is the whole server/endpoint design. I love that Roon has partnered with so many companies to have their equipment certified as Roon endpoints. I think that alone shows that Roon is very committed to the continued success of their software and that many audio companies also see great promise in Roon.
After I ran the free trial I knew it was worth every bit in lifetime membership and bought it. That was about 3 years ago @499. I knew it would pay itself after my 4th year. And like another person said, I would never have discovered new or related music without its excellent curation. Worth every penny.
I agree totally on all the sentiments expressed on its useful side.

But as I have said tech is so rapidly changing these days I just don't see it staying the dominant force forever.
Hence my yearly subscription for now.
I was a DA and paid by the year for two years before buying Lifetime. It's Netflix and Wikipedia of music with DSP, favorites, playlists, suggestions etc mixed in. I would have never discovered the Artist's and music I have without Roon and Tidal. Worth far more than the asking price IMHO. 
The only thing that ROON does (I think) is check the license when you start up the program. If ROON goes bankrupt that license check would be the only thing that would stop a person from still using the application/server.

Now if ROON were to put the source code in escrow for lifetime members then a patch could be created easily. That won't happen though.

I bought lifetime subscription at $499 long ago and would easily buy again today at $699.
Post removed 
Crap or get off the pot.
The lifetime script will eventually be gone at any price. They just offered it for startup cash.
Just commenting on my desire to be able to go back in time myself😁😁.

However pretty sure that buying a $499 Roon membership would not be at the top of my to-do list if I could 🤔
not directed at you uber

that notwithstanding, we all would like to be young again :)

happy listening
About the only way I know is to invent a time machine to go back and buy in at $499....

Can I say maybe should have bought at that time?

Seriously I would agree that $699 is a little high especially in today's age of new and fresh emerging technology.
Who knows in 3 years time Roon may be supplanted by something better and cheaper....
That's why I only signed up for a year, not so much as a baulk against the $699 price.