How can I find out more about Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme

Hi Audiogon members,

I have written recently asking about my issues in a move to a larger listening room. Many of you were helpful and with the addition of rugs and wall art as well changes to speaker position, I am much happier. However, I am still considering bigger speakers than my current KLH Model 5s. 

Top among the speakers I am interested in are the new Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme. But I simply cannot find reviews. The internet is silent about these speakers! Does anyone here have experience with them - especially for a largish listening room?

Also considering the Dynaudio Evoke 50s so please chime in if you have them!

Thanks, Nadine


Showing 2 responses by mofojo

Kinda funny 3 out of the 4 local impulse buys on amps/speakers/subs I’ve bought 2 of the owners had Zu speakers and the 3rd had just moved on to Klipsch Cornwall 4. Those Cornwalls were pretty sweet. Didn’t get a chance to hear any of the Zu s.