How cam Morrow Audio keep offering 45%-65% discounts for trade-ups?

Not only that I get weekly emails about sales. Lately titled "Christmas in July".

I’ve done the trade-up a few times, but I’ve got to say, I can’t fathom how they can profit with discounts as huge as those.

Are they selling off used stuff as new?

 Another thing, has anyone dissected a cable to see what's in it?

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Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I have an SP4 pair also in my video rig (it was replaced in my main hifi by the new version of Kimber SP8 as I needed a longer pair)...I have to know...who is the person who has paid full list for a pair of Morrows? Somebody out there...maybe...

I have some Morrow cables and they sound fine, but it still mystifies me that they’re described as "solid core" when their cables (using seemingly the same wire for IC and speaker cables) run from 8 to 288 ("SSI" somehow coated with something) tiny wires for ICs, and 64 to 2,304 (!) tiny "solid core" wires for speaker cable. I talked to Mike Morrow on the phone once and he said each tiny wire is coated to keep it from interacting with the other "solid core" wires in the cable. Uh huh. A 2,304 strand "solid core" cable...go figure.