How cam Morrow Audio keep offering 45%-65% discounts for trade-ups?

Not only that I get weekly emails about sales. Lately titled "Christmas in July".

I’ve done the trade-up a few times, but I’ve got to say, I can’t fathom how they can profit with discounts as huge as those.

Are they selling off used stuff as new?

 Another thing, has anyone dissected a cable to see what's in it?

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Showing 1 response by vthokie83

Morrow Audio cables are excellent cables FOR THE PRICE, but remember the MA4 interconnects (Mike Morrow suggests starting with the MA4s) are only $155 a pair with the sale. Will these compete with $500 or $1,000 cables? Most definitely not. But they do compete successfully with comparably priced high quality cables from DHLabs, Zavfino, Lavricables, and Supra......which are all great cables for their reasonable price; which I also own.

I own MA-4 interconnects (RCA and XLR), and their SP3 speaker cables, and they perform very well in my "mid fi" system. Calling Morrow cables crap is just plain ridiculous, and have you actually tested them? Eventually I will replace them as I upgrade the rest of my system for sure.