How cam Morrow Audio keep offering 45%-65% discounts for trade-ups?

Not only that I get weekly emails about sales. Lately titled "Christmas in July".

I’ve done the trade-up a few times, but I’ve got to say, I can’t fathom how they can profit with discounts as huge as those.

Are they selling off used stuff as new?

 Another thing, has anyone dissected a cable to see what's in it?

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Showing 1 response by ozzy

This reminds me of way back in the early 70's I was a Radio Shack Store Manager. At age 18!

Anyway, we had a popular speaker called the MC-1000. It cost the store $12. We sold alot of them at the price of $50. We would occasionally have a midnight sales event and the speakers then sold for $25, The store still made a 100% profit!

Looks like today the same is still true.
