Hovland hp-100 remote in the future?

anyone have info or a guestimate on whether hovland plans to bring out a version of this preamp with a remote?
I was told at the show no performance increase over the HP100, just a different volume control (no more 2db steps) and the remote, killing the phono section.

In Hovland tradition, a gorgeous piece btw. Even better looking than the 100.
Dmailer, you're right: i just spoke to a dealer who said Hovland is positively coming out with a line version with remote. maybe i'm becoming a bit of a conspiracy theorist but doesn't this seem like a calculated step-plan to keep cycling through their preamps? put the first one out w/o remote and hammer the audiophile world with ads, money and perhaps favors and get across the board high reviews (which i'm told from virtually all owners are actually warranted - although i think it sounds a bit thin and not very romantic for my taste), then put out a line stage with a remote to get a bunch of repeat buyers with the plans on later coming out with a line/phono with remote.

It is my understanding the the HP200 will be a line stage only with no phono. The space where the phono is currently located is needed to allow for the remote control. I think that the line stage quality is supposed to be the same as the HP100. This would leave the options for a remote line stage only or a line stage with phono with no remote.
I just spoke to the local Hovland dealer , he is expecting to get the one with a remote in the next couple of months. By the way, as far as I know , they were the only room that had a hp 100 and it wasnt a remote unit that I demoed at their showroom. They were the ones
with the Hovland amp and Triangle Magellens.
Does it have Balanced XLR inputs/outputs? That would be on my wish list besides the remote of course.
I saw the new Hovland preamp with remote at the HES 2003 show. I was told it was similar to the current preamp although they were able to simplify the signal path somewhat resulting in better sound.
I read a report of the Stereophile HES 2003 show on Audio Asylum that mentions a room with the Hovland HP-200. If that is not a typo, maybe a hint that a new model pre-amp(probably with remote and theatre bypass)is imminent. Nothing listed on Hovland's website as of today(6-19-03).

hey kf...exactly what i was thinking. the only negative i've ever read about this preamp is the lack of remote. seems like they'll have to come out with the option sooner or later.
No idea, but I count 7 ads here at Audiogon now for HP-100 preamps. What gives????? Is Hovland coming out with a new preamp to replace it?