Horn listeners - Do you have trouble listening to others?

Hi peeps,

I just had an interesting experience out of my home. I listened to 3 pairs of speakers:

McIntoshMagicoSome unknown theater speaker during Aquaman

And one characteristic followed me: strident / glare
No matter which system played I heard them get glaring at high volumes. Like distortion rose rapidly. I'm wondering if this is because I have become accustomed to high-quality AMT tweeters which are remarkably free of distortion or dynamic compression.

The reason I'm asking you horn peeps this is that dynamic range is one of the main selling points for horn speakers. Do you feel uncomfortable in the same ways?

If so, this is good evidence that we are hacking our brain when we listen. That we are learning to hear in certain ways based on the gear we listen to.

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I switch between setups depending on the type of music or how I feel.      Each setup presents something different.  

I have been listening to the same speakers for 40+ years(Altec 604-8G) . recently added some horns crossed at 800hz up.  I am hearing things that were never there before. Hard to describe the difference . Effortless ,Smooth, Nuance, an open airy crystal sparkle that is truly a revelation.
I think horns are it! Quiet or loud their speed is intoxicating. With that;another glass of wine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the reasonable and polite contributors herein ;). 
Perhaps it is the Class D amps giving you the glare especially if it happened on all 3 pairs of speakers?