Krissy is a very nice person. I had her late husband’s products all over my listening room. It altered my sound in a way that became annoying so I sold them. Maybe her new iteration is a success.
I have moved on and now employ Von Schweikert VR9 SE M2 upgraded speakers, Westminster Labs REI monoblock solid state (!) Class A amps, Lampizator Poseidon DAC/Pre-amp, Jay’s Audio CDt3Mk3 CD transport, EAR 324 phono pre-amp, VPI TNT VI, highly modified SME IV w/Dynavector 20X2L, a mix of mostly Grover Huffman cabling except for Paradox Pulse SPDIF cable, four SupraNa 2 power cables and GH power cables, one very expensive Westerminster Labs Ultra XLR IC from pre-amp to amps,
I have kept my two pairs of Shakti Halographs as they do contribute to my custom built/designed listening room. The Synergistic Research MiG/SX footers under the EAR is one tweak as are my obsolete footers under the Poseidon (100s of tiny stainless steel or carbon steel balls floating in a glutinous matrix). I just don’t need tweaks any longer other than for the lesser equipment where I use Acme treated fuses and a variety of footers.