High power integrated suggestions please.


I would like suggestions to look into. The reference is a McIntosh MA6900 which is the only one on my short list.

I've been racking my brain for other integrateds that have what the 6900 offers; sonics, convenience(loudness switch, equalizer), build quality, aesthetics, reliability and the customer support and service Mac is famous for. It also needs to retail for $5k or less.

I love the Mac sound, full bodied and dynamic to these ears. And I would want a cdp from the same company. If I go with the Mac it would be the MCD201.

Any thoughts? Thanks for your time and any suggestions.


Showing 3 responses by hammergjh

The Krell KAV-400xi has the power, dynamics and quality you're looking for. It doesn't have any way to tailor the sound, however.

Only about 2 grand retail.
If you like the NAD stuff, don't worry about its longevity. I've got a NAD3020 integrated amp that I bought in 1980 that I'm still using! NAD's were always denigrated for cheap build quality, but 25+ years of service is hard to complain about.
Cford, I went from the Odyssey Stratos to the Krell 400xi. The Krell has it all over the Odyssey. IMO.