High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor vs. Synergistic Research V8 Powerblock?

Does anyone have experience with either one, or both, of these?

Showing 3 responses by tommylion

That's essentially what I have now; CPT Equi=Core 300 at the wall plugged into a Tara AD/6 Powerscreen strip. I'm thinking about something to replace the Tara. I also have a High Fidelity MC-0.5 plugged into the same duplex as the CPT, and like what it does. Thinking the MC-06 would give me more of that. I also like the other SR UEF stuff I have (Blue Fuses, Black PC).
Thanks lak, good idea. I got my SR fuses and a few other things from there. Excellent service. When I’m ready to buy either one, I’ll get it from him. I’ve always got a list going of stuff to do with my system. So many things to try, and me without an unlimited budget 😉 CT speaker cables are probably next in line.