High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor vs. Synergistic Research V8 Powerblock?

Does anyone have experience with either one, or both, of these?

Showing 2 responses by lak

@tommylion, I own the MC-6 Power Distributorneither but I've never heard the Synergistic Research V8 Powerblock. I do own and use many of the HFC products (higher end interconnects, speaker cables, digital cable, power cords, MC-0.5's, MC-6 Distributor and the Hemisphere). I'm going to call what one achieves with HFC the "HFC House Sound". Seems like when we add a product from HFC it creates more of the House Sound. If you like that sound seems like the MC-6 might be the way to go. If no one answers your question and owns both why not call one of the many stores that sell both and get their opinion since they both cost about the same amount.
BTW: You asked a great question! I like the SR Black and Blue fuses also!