High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor vs. Synergistic Research V8 Powerblock?

Does anyone have experience with either one, or both, of these?

Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

As I understand it, the High Fidelity MC-6 Hemisphere uses magnetic conduction to get increased clarity, musicality, reduced noise and edginess, better dynamics, etc.   Or, in other words, it uses magnetic fields to conduct electrons that improve the sound quality.   Does this really work?   I have the same question for their much lower cost High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor model.

Is the much higher priced High Fidelity MC-6 Hemisphere worth 2+ times the price of the High Fidelity MC-6 Power Distributor model?

To be honest, I do not fully understand how the use of magnetic conduction to improve sound quality.  Has anyone owned either of these models, or have any experience and opinions on it?   Thanks.
@68pete, Thanks for your comments on the High Fidelity MC-6 Hemisphere. This product looks very interesting and I am trying to decide if I should buy it. I am currently using a custom made box for plugging in my DAC and integrated amplifier. It has no filters, conditioning or anything else. Thanks again. My retailer comments are:

"High Fidelity Cables has a patent on Magnetic Conduction. They apply a strong magnet around the conductor which accelerates the flow of free electrons inside the conductor. It happens on the molecular level. Current flow is basically not more than free electrons traveling through a conducting material (copper, silver...). These free electrons usually bounce around a lot. The applied directional magnet straightens them out to a certain degree which results in a much higher efficiency of the flow. And this is very beneficial to sound applications.

"The MC-6 and MC-6 Hemisphere do the same, but the Hemisphere uses much stronger magnets and better quality parts which makes a very noticeable sound improvement over the standard MC-6".