High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Waveguide and Total Contact

There seems to be some kind of synergy going on with these two products. I have one MC-0.5 plugged into the wall duplex that feeds my system. When I got it initially, I was very pleased with the results. Later, when I decided to try Total Contact, the first thing I treated was the three prongs on the MC-0.5. Again, I was very happy with the further improvements I heard.

Recently, Tim Mrock, the inventor of TC, suggested I paint the outside of the MC-0.5 with it. At first I thought “Wow, that's kind of crazy!”, but Tim has not steered me wrong yet. I went ahead and painted it, in place, without removing it from the wall. I experienced an immediate and obvious increase in transparency and clarity. Initially, the top end was a little too lively, but that has settled down over a day or two, and I am now one happy camper 😀

I don't know how, or why, this works, but I am loving the results.

So, what's next? I'm more than willing to wait this all out for the final product/s.

I'm using several MC-05's with excellent results. No painting required.

Happy Listening!
I’m not a big hands on/DIY guy, but I did a little bit of painting inside components with TC, and had positive results. Others have done it much more extensively, and also report good results.

For me, with the release of the Omega Mat (and the smaller version coming soon), I find that a much easier way to get what I believe are similar results to internal painting with TC. Of course, the very best results are likely to come from both 😉
@tommylion, interesting and a reminder for me of what I used to do with a graphite paint some thirty years ago painting all the cables inside a Kondo 211 amp etc. I presume the TC is a much better version of what I was using in those days. I painted the components as well and had good results.
Just had one of the most amazing sessions listening to my stereo system. Little over two weeks ago I started applying the TC paste to my power and speaker cables as well as the inlets on my DAC, amp, and conditioner. Over the following week I would gradually add the TC to my tube pins and some fuses. Then would use it on my mc-0.5’s. My tv setup is on another room and was applying it to all the cables there as well. Last night I decided to use the TC on my Ethernet cable connectors from the modem to the router and from there to my Mac mini. 

Not sure if the Ethernet cables was the real game changer or if something I pasted days ago is now curing but holy smokes I get home today and everything is just so pure and musical. I stream Tidal a lot it sounds amazing, everything sounds amazing. I’m really impressed so far with this TC and I’m not sure I can handle it getting any better, but I’ll try. ;)

Thanks to tommylion for starting this thread and to oregonpapa for his initial thread on talking about the TC product and obviously thanks to Tim for creating a remarkable product. Easily this is the best tweak and next to speakers, and possibly an amp or two, the best addition I can remember putting into my system. Well done Tim!

I treated just the prongs first, and was very happy with the improvement over the stock MC-0.5. I heard improvement right away, but it got quite a bit better after the TC cured for 8 weeks. I then painted the entire body with a small brush, and things improved quite a bit more. I would describe the improvement as being like the stock MC-0.5 on steroids 😉 I would recommend painting in place, like I did, as the TC takes some time to fully dry, and can be messy before that. I think you should be able to paint at least 6 with one order of TC.
Could you report more on the MC O.5 that you painted in Total Contact? Looked at your picture post and it looks like you coated the whole MC O.5 in Total Contact solution. Did you try just coating the MC O.5 prongs first?  If so how did it change when you coated  the rest of the MC O.5? Any thing else you could add to your experience with Total Contact and High Fidelity products would be much appreciated.  How many MC O.5 do you feel you could coat with a single order of Total Contact?
Thanks Pete
I don't mind how ppl.  use the forum.  But i get tired
Of seeing one person's name on every topic. 
All the time. 
Like all audio products it’s customary to correlate price to performance, also taking into consideration effort/difficulty and cost of fabrication, perhaps marketing, sometimes but not always cost and effort of development. Supply and demand. Competition. But mostly performance. Who cares how much it costs to develop and make and market a product that’s mediocre in performance?
Ok, since no one was willing (including perfectpathtech) to come forth with an answer to my question with respect to the cost of Total Contact, I decided to do my own research into graphene; graphene production and production costs. Here are some of my notes:

The quality of graphene affects the price.

At the end of 2015, the market price of graphene was about $100 per gram (1 gram = 1 milliliter).

Once the method of production is optimized and scaled up, the cost of graphene is expected to come down.

Deloitte Global predicts the total value of the graphene materials market in 2016 is likely to be in the low tens of millions of dollars, which is less than an hour’s projected revenues from smartphone sales. Graphene has been called a ‘wonder material’, as it offers an unrivalled combination of tensile, electrical, thermal and optical properties. Yet, it may be decades before this material’s potential is fully realized.

It is important to note that many of the most impactful materials have taken decades before attaining mainstream adoption. In 2016, graphene-enhanced products are only going to offer a glimpse of the material’s full potential, but a key point to consider is that new materials disrupt existing products and lead to new technologies.




Graphene is no flash in the pan, here today gone tomorrow substance.

Scientists have been studying and conducting research for years (since 1962).

There is continuing global R&D into various product development applications.

Mad Scientist Audio has marketed and sells a similar graphene based product that for $79 per 10 ml bottle seems reasonably priced.
How it compares to TC, I cannot say.

As for me, I would like to take a wait and see approach with respect to Total Contact. Perhaps once the marketing effort matures and product penetration moves beyond sales on Audiogon to a wider audience, I’ll take another look.
TC is not a tweak. It's a product for sale. It costs $$$. So its not a tweak. A tweak is a small adjustment to something already existing, not added to it. To pull or twist to make small increments.

>>>>There are apparently two definitions of things sometimes. Yours and everyone else’s. 😛

I didn't know you could use forums to sell commercial products.

>>>>We learn things everyday sometimes. 
t_ramey sez:

  • How would you compare the TC to other tweaks you’ve had? If there’s another thread where you’ve given these thoughts please point me in that direction.

If you do the search you’ll find that I have done reviews here on A’gon on the Audio Research REF-75se, Audio Technica’s OC-9 MKII, Audio Technica’s ART-9, Herbie’s tube dampeners, Von Gaylord’s speaker cables, Von Gaylord’s IC’s, SR level III power cords, SR HFT’s, and Tim Mrock’s "Total Contact." In addition, I’ve posted many music recommendations with links to Ebay where the music can be ordered.

When I find a product that works, or a tweak that improves my sound system, I like to share the information with other hobbyists. Sharing is in my nature, I guess.

Hope I’ve answered your question sufficiently. If not, ask for clarification.


PS: And talking about music recommendations, check this out:


TC is not a tweak. It's a product for sale. It costs $$$. So its not a tweak. A tweak is a small adjustment to something already existing, not added to it. To pull or twist to make small increments.

I didn't know you could use forums to sell commercial products.


How would you compare the TC to other tweaks you've had? If there's another thread where you've given these thoughts please point me in that direction.
Tommylion sez:

  • I have to say my experience with TC has been the most fun ride ever in my 30+ years of being an audio enthusiast.

Me too tommylion, me too. :-)

I applied TC to as many connections that I could find on my 73" Mitsubishi rear projection TV, including the male plugs on the lamp. After the application, I had to reset most of the parameters on the TV. Once I did that, I had a much clearer picture with a lot more detail. Skin colors, depth and blacks were all improved ... as was the sound.   

Has anyone tried pasting the entire OLED screen??? More vibrant colours perhaps? Lol...sorry :)

Well, I do wear glasses so they'd probably tell me I'd have to see several optometrists, have my glasses double blind tested, and have my vision double blind tested with my original glasses and a placebo pair, and I'd have to view many TVs, both treated and untreated, before I could conclude that it works.

All the best,

Pretty sure that sooner or later SOMEBODY will come along and tell you that you cannot possibly be seeing what you are seeing.......
I also see improvements to my LG OLED TV after applying TC on the power cord and HDMI connectors. I am able to see more details that were not there before and color contrast is better.
That got my interest. Viewing something doesn't require any more proof than what your eyes tell you. I have a LG LOED TV as well and love the picture. To think that it could get better makes this a tempting prospect.

All the best,
I don't currently own a MC-05 but I might try one in the future.  It's good to learn what else we can use TC on to maximize its use.  Thank you for sharing Tommy and amg56 can be excused from here if he doesn't care.  I also see improvements to my LG OLED TV after applying TC on the power cord and HDMI connectors.  I am able to see more details that were not there before and color contrast is better.
@amg56 I kinda feel sorry for you! If you search understanding quantum mechanics, you will find a technical explanation as to why MOST, not all
EE's cannot and will not grasp the subject. Judging from your hostility,
and continued dribble, you Sir are a text book description, oh well.

@lak   That is a loaded question. My system has been done since the development of my 3rd generation, or so I thought. In the last few months, I have personally applied a additional 120 Tubes of my product.
I have greatly expanded the electrical service, big time. Common sense topical applications, and a lot of creative ones, like on this thread.

All of the customers I have had so far range from hard working stiffs, like myself to the very elite, and everything in between. They have all been AWESOME!!!!! Some folks want to jump right in, others are a little hesitant, some will say that's beyond my skills or that's to much.
What everyone of them has had in common, they are very intelligent,
do not want to waste their time or money, hurt their system, and the number one thing. Everyone is looking for a deeper or spiritual connection to their music.

I have had a few guys and a couple of reviewers, have entrusted me to walk them down this exciting new road, wait till you read what they have to say. To be continued............................................................................


I have to say my experience with TC has been the most fun ride ever in my 30+ years of being an audio enthusiast.
Very cool, thanks tommylion! I have the last generation plasma made by Panasonic in the VT60 and the mc-0.5's have kept me from being tempted to upgrade to any of the current OLED tv's.

I applied TC to the power plugs of my low end 55” Samsung 4K TV and cable box over two months ago. The improvement in picture quality has been remarkable.
Thanks for sharing your experience here tommylion. I have several of the mc-.05's plugged into both my stereo system as well as my tv viewing area and love what they do. I just recently purchased the Total Contact from Tim but haven't applied any yet as I might be moving in a couple weeks and will wait to use it then. This definitely intrigues me with how you've experimented with the TC and the mc-0.5's.

Have you played around with the TC in regards to your tv and or projector?
I have no beef here or with you but it appears you are coming on threads you do not care for and start blasting away with the spurious claims of being an engineer and needing to have proof etc. A LOT of audio "tweaks" are subjective and can and will be interpretated differently by individuals in their own systems, everybodies results will vary to some degree. So the only facts they require is what they hear.
This thread is in the right area, as others have stated, you do not like do not read it?
Just push the unfollow discussion button and all your problems will be solved.
I know this is not for everyone, and there is certainly not a money back guarantee 😉 I started this thread mainly for the benefit of those who have who have an MC-0.5 (or several), some TC, and are up for a new adventure.

Wrong forum. Please move to the TC one. Two dubious forums are enough.

Oh no, Geoff is here. Make that three dubious forums.

While I understand both sides of the debate I do find it interesting that this thread was started by the OP because he was sharing in his case the positive effect of TC on the MC-0.5's, who would have thought that would be effective?
Has anyone tried a total paint job of TC on their entire system ;-)!
Look, I have no beef with you guys. I just want to learn about the facts. It seems that in the field of HiFi there are the engineers and the sales people. Then there are people who just want to stir the pot for the sake of it. I am an engineer who deals with facts and figures. I'm not reading to many because people are not able to print them.
Post removed 

Been there, done that. This is not the correct forum. Post this on the TC forum as the TC was in the first subject in the header. I you want to talk about the MC-0.5, please do so. But don't pollute it with other "products" which don't belong here.

You guys obviously don't understand. Once a "product" has been changed, modified or adjusted from it's initial state, it no longer is that original product. To make it clearer - if I bought an Oppo-105 and sent it to Modwright, it is no longer an Oppo-105. It is a Modwright modified Opp0-105.

If I wanted to purchase a MC-0.5 and used this thread to read about it, I would no longer be reading about the product, it would be a modified product.

I would like to read threads on products that haven't been modified with TC or fuses. After all, isn't these theads are about? The REAL product and peoples experiences. There is already two 46 page long threads on Blue Fuses and TC. I want to read threads without being tainted without these same advertisements and grandiose claims.

The MC-0.5 is not just a power cord. It is a "Magnetic Wave Guide that plugs into spare power sockets that "under patented gizmos" adjusts the magnetic wave form on electrical A/C power sources.

amg56 ...

  • "... the thread or goo has changed the product ... "

Interesting. I don’t understand what you meant by that. Please explain. Thank you ...

And by the way, there are only three threads on A’gon that has to do with TC and SR fuses including this one. And this one also covers a power cord.

That sure doesn’t seem to be excessive to me.

Would it matter whether I did own MC-0.5 (1 or more) or not, the thread or goo has changed the product, so its not relevant any more. These magnetic conduction devices are too complex for us outback Aussies.
Isn't that what this thread is for ? Sharing a new way to really sup up the
performance of a stellar product?
I suggest you remove the dampers if attached as they will interfere with the benefit the TC will add near the wall junction. Tom

I haven't really tried to determine if the dampers on the power cable make a difference or not. They were extra old ones I had lying around, and I figured they were at least unlikely to hurt anything.
You are free to read or not read any post you choose. The topic was blatantly clear in the title of the thread. If you see a topic you don't like, don't click on it. Then you can just stick to what you deem to be the "interesting posts". That isn't too hard to understand, is it?