High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

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@jafox no offense. Just saying. Our systems have 15 to 20 different things going on in them at one time. I have included the high fidelity ultimate reference in different systems with about 5 different pre amps and directly to my amps. It's versatility allows it to perform well. Comparisons are a little over rated to me. I been doing that for 5 years straight. It's a bad way long term to evaluate a cable because you are doing quick comparisons and not looking at the cable matching with the other components. Biggest mistake in audio is this along with impatience. Some guys have stock equipment. Some guys have highly modded equipment. Some guys have built from scratch custom equipment. It just depends. We blog here because of the guys who like the high fidelity stuff it's working in all different environments. We post here to get impressions of the high fidelity stuff and I don't mind criticism if you have heard the best stuff but I see a lot of skepticism when you have not. I'm open to any comments negative or positive. I just want people to speak from experience with the product that they speak on. @Ddraudt. @tbg Maybe if they ever see the light they will know light when they see it. Lol. @ everyone. Nothing personal. Just kidding around. However, until you hear it you will not understand.
Thank you Calvin,

It was not that I was looking for a comparison…..but rather just an idea of the overall systems being used here with the HF cables. Having some idea as to each system implementation has a way of putting things into perspective. It gives me an idea as to what works for others. After all, it's the final system result, not each individual component.

As for removing the subwoofer from the room and bringing out the speakers, that's a great idea when we can get away with this. I have no choice but to do the same with the Sound Labs speakers or I have serious bass nodes in the room. But this necessity has a way of eating up precious floor space for other room "fashions". And I too have a spare subwoofer (Velodyne ULD18, light oak) hanging around here that I'm not quite sure what to do with yet.
Had a great visit in Houston yesterday with audio friends! The journey was exhausting, but rewarding to hear such a wonderful system.
Ricks High Fidelity cables were a huge hit!! They will be ordering some soon. This is what happens when folks actually listen to HF cables.

Cal, Tbg, ...Mama told me when I was a lad, "Don't feed the trolls"
"Sometimes they are cute and you through them a few crumbs. Then they turn ugly."

I check this site often to see if there are any new and Relevant posts about High Fidelity Cables. if not, I move on.
For those who can… Enjoy the Music!!! D
@jafox. Comparisons are overrated. I found out that a number of factors contribute to your sound. Room acoustics, amplifier, source, power cords interconnects, ic. Etc. etc. etc.. However, there is also mods inside of equipment. I'm using an amp that has some mods in it. I'm using the resssonessence invicta mirus dac. As my source which is one that is different from all the other people I know. I sold my rel sub this weekend and move it out the corner and gave the speakers some breathing room and it sounds absolutely great. There are small changes that make big differences. Room acoustics and equipment and listening materials make huge differences.@Ddraudt I see you use all modified equipment. There is no comparing your stuff because it's all one of a kind mods. I'm finding out that that may be the way to go with this stuff. @tbg you are right comparisons are not good in our area because every body has equipment that reacts differently to the rest of their equipment. I'm tired of folks coming saying what stock stuff did we cone from it high fidelity. I have only an ultimate ic in my system right now and I happy with its performance in my system. Kst 150 amplifier also performs well. Hard to compare other products to his. He is doing something totally different technology wise. Great product, great service to add on to to that makes them a winner. @lak how are you liking that speaker cable.
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TBG, sorry to hear your cold response. What's the point of praising a product again and again and again without putting it in its context? And I will let him respond, thank you. If it is as cold as your response, then so be it!
However, the harsh fact is that one URR cost more than the car I have been driving the past 8 years.
Oh my, then you might have to scale down to a Vespa when the URRR comes out. And heaven forbid, with the URRRR, you might have to move into a double-wide trailer.

Ignoring the static, I must agree that the HF URR power cords are most awesome They have the most magic of any component I've heard in 35 years.
Please include a short list of your previously most awesome components to give us some context as to what these cables beat out. Not having your system listed here also gives us no context as to how the cables fit in.
I would have to agree, any time I ever phoned HFCables with a question Rick and/or his wife were always extremely nice to speak with and always went above or beyond the call of duty to answer my questions and offer assistance. Interesting to note that I did not own any of their products at that time and now the only HFC product I own is a CT1U speaker cable.
Ptss, all threads soon attract posters such as you that destroy the exchange of experiences into "mine is bigger than yours" contests. I long ago attended the Long Island audio society meetings which always had similar contests. A friend and I frequently laughed at this nonsense, until we were thrown out. There is a shill or two on this thread, but it is not anyone using the HFCables.
@ptss. No we don't have shares. We are customers who have become friends. When you get the level of customer service from the owner of the company like Rick gives you appreciate it. Then his product blows you completely out of the water sound and performance wise. It is a conversion experience. The high end audio can sometimes be snooty and arrogant. This is not the case with Rick Schultz and high fidelity cables. Wondering why you even asked? Have you heard the cables. Have you heard any of the technology he employs in high fidelty?
@ptss. No we don't have shares. We are customers who have become friends. When you get the level of customer service from the owner of the company like Rick gives you appreciate it. Then his product blows you completely out of the water sound and performance wise. It is a conversion experience. The high end audio can sometimes be snooty and arrogant. This is not the case with Rick Schultz and high fidelity cables. Wondering why you even asked? Have you heard the cables?
Keith, I'm sure you have a wonderful audio presentation at your house.
And I know you love listening, like me. I wish you years of listening enjoyment. Dave
Mrmb, Kind sir, I think you are on the wrong thread.
This one is about how High Fidelity Cables Sound.
Cheers D
all them Awards were won with my Exact model of cables I have here at My house!


If not the most telling comment I have ever read on a forum (audio or otherwise), it certainly resides in the top heap of same....!!!?

The sonic output emanating from "all them Awards" must simply be phenomenal!

I get it now. Count "them Awards" and the items with the most, wins! Hmm, I wonder why I'm wasting my time here? I should be off counting and itemizing, counting and itemizing "them Awards"! So little time and so much to be counted…..itemized…..counted….itemized...!!!
@audiolabyrinth. Don't take that too hard Kieth. Remember I never commented on something beating your higher end tara labs. How can you tell how cute tara is if you never saw her in person. Kieth translation. I would never say something is going to beat something else when I have never heard the higher end of something else. I've heard the best high fidelity ultimate reference stuff and when you take it out you literally go through withdrawal!!! I never say that one cable is going to destroy another cable that I never heard. I guess that's why someone would get agitated by your comments. I'm not agitated because I know tara labs is like OZ. They see all and know all. Lol. Man but you got to be careful. Nobody minds a comparison. But there has to be an actual comparison. No matter what Tara is the cutest girl on the block to you. But happy listening kieth if tara does it for you be happy.@ddraudt I put a high fidelity ultimate back in and got some of the magic back. Now be nice to kieth if he sees and hears your cables his eyes and ears will do a double take. Lol. Happy listening everyone!!!
P.S. Mr C, all them Awards were won with my Exact model of cables I have here at My house!, Ddraudt, I will respect your wishes, your ok with me, always have liked you and enjoy your post, LOL!, over and out sheriff.
Before I go sheriff, I wanted to show some recent Awards, this is just a few, there are many, many more!, Tara labs Awards, The absolute sound magazines 2006,2010,2012,2013 editors choice awards., The absolute sound magazines 2006,2007,2008,product of the year Award., Audio Excellence 2007 AEX Award and Absolute sounds JV Golden Ear awards., Sterophile 2012 Best Sounding High-End Products Awards., stereophile 2012,2013 Recommended Componets Awards., Hi-Fi Magazine 2009 Best sound At show Award., RMAF/Apex audio Absolute sounds 2012 Best sound at show., CES/Ayon 2013 AV sound, Best sound at show Award., Super Av magazines 2011,2012 out standing over all performance Award., Newport/Ayon 2013 Stereophile, Best sound show Award.
Roger that sheriff, please carry on and enjoy your thread,calloway, look who won editors choice best award for audio for the Absolute sound 2012, maybe 2013, hell, one of those damn years, Tara labs has won so many awards and reviews, I cannot keep up with them all!
Tara dealing clown is clogging High Fidelity Cable thread
TaraAudiolaberynth 7 out of the last 15 posts on HF thread...none about Ricks HFC cables.
Keith, I welcome folks to hear my system but shy away from folks who so full of themselves as to assume the have better before they get here.
Please stop touting the damn tara shit here or get axed like so many before you. The Sheriff
Audiolabyrinth....why no 'professional reviews' on the Tara website since 2007...?
Ddraudt, I would love that!, as a matter of fact, I can call Tara labs to send me some cables and embarras you on your own system with some new top tier cables from tara labs, are you game?
Calvin asked me how my system is sounding and it is beyond fabulous
and beyond description but I can say that it brings tears of emotion and joy, laughter and gasps of thrill and disbelief, shivers and goosebumps,
a lot of explatives and head shaking at how beyond wonderful the experience is. I've never heard a system I liked better!!!
Keith, perhaps you should plan a texas audio tour. 4 or 5 full loom HF UR systems with URR power cords and more.
I'm off to Houston in the morning to visit audiophiles with MY URR power cords.
happy to see that so many are enjoying the music! D
calvinj, hey, would you like a copy of this extrodinary celtic music cd, it was recorded right here in mobile,alabama, two piece band that lives here recorded tracks over tracks, it is an awsome mind blowing exspereice, The musicians are spectacular!, incredible amount of different instruments used, it is magical sounding.
calvinj, I invite you to hear my system, get with me on the time, you can stay here at my house, save money on hotel bill, your whole position will be forever changed!, you have my phone number, yesterday, I played a celtic music cd in regular digital format, my wife set up a chair and listened to the whole cd, when it was done, she had tears in her eyes, and said, that was if I were at the musical event!
@audiolabyrinth. There she blows!!!!!! Come kieth You are killing me. I'm just stating the truth. All I know is that other cables are good but they don't match up to the power cables and interconnects I've heard from high fidelity. I'm not attacking Tara she is cute for a date but you marry High fidelity. Lol. A bada bing!!!!
I certainly have heard many fine cables!, cables that retail for more than I own, all the way down to $30.00 a meter cables, I have listened to so many cables, I do not care to list them, John atleast out of frustation listed a few he has owned or listened to.
Leicachamp, my first two cables from HFC were a pair of the original CT-1s and a pair of Enhanced. When I first put the CT-1s in I was shocked at what I heard. They did not sound like anything I heard before, being so extended on the top end and so dynamic. Then I put the Enhanced in and had to wait two days before they surpassed the CT-1s and extended down into the bass.

From that point on I had full looms. The Ultimates took much longer to reach their best and the Ultimate Reference even longer. Also at each step up, the cables hate more and more being moved at all. In only one instance did I try gradually replacing my then reference cables one at a time. The speaker cables greatly complemented the ics.

So I really cannot answer your question. I will say, however, that even one of the HFC power cords, especially the URR top of the line will greatly surpass the benefits of even the Ultimate Reference ics and speaker wires.
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Thanks All for posts about High Fidelity cables. Ignoring the static, I must agree that the HF URR power cords are most awesome. They have the most magic of any component I've heard in 35 years. I'd like everyone to hear how good they are because it can't be described fully.
(Cal, I love your descriptions But it's like describing magenta to a blind person.) However, the harsh fact is that one URR cost more than the car I have been driving the past 8 years. I believe that once you hear these you will not be the same, they will ruin you for life. That's fine if your wealthy or crazy enough to own them.( Me- not wealthy ).
Absolute Best EVER!! but can you handle that???
I plan and hope to bring my 2 URR's to Houston this Saturday to show friends.
Enjoy the music!! D
Jmcgrogan2, given this exchange I think you can see the fundamental reality that no one has heard many fine cables. It is irrelevant to me that the Tara Labs were not really what the HFCs were compared to. Having not really heard much that interests me with Tara cables heard at shows does not bother me. What Calvinj says he heard does.
calvinj, If I frustrated you here with real facts, I am sorry, please forgive me, enjoy your hf cables, come post your impressions on the tara labs thread, I enjoy your journey and happiness of what you have, I love passion, I am the same calvin, were all good, friends always!
Jmcgrgan2, I am not embarassed to state facts, these or not opinions, I do not care if calvin wants to use HF cables, thats his choice, however, he cannot compaire the two at all, thats all im saying, he had nothing to judge a sound of a company, I sugest everyone to be sure to read the october issue of stereophile magazine of the review of the new second from the top tara labs Evolution Zero interconnects and matching Evolution Omega speaker cables, Guess what Michael Freamers opinion is of the conclusion of the review?
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calvinj, I did not say eanything to you, I simply made a clarification of your exsperience of Tara labs, which is none, other than out dated cables from 20 years ago!, and the tara labs The Two with ISM on board that is a great budget cable for controlled band width, for systems with brighness or to forward of a sound stage!, you know nothing of tara labs to make any such Bold meaningless statements!
@audiolabyrinth. There you go kieth now tara labs cures EBOLA. You always finding away to protect them cables no matter what. You talk about the high fidelity fan club. Look at you. Lol. Keith I knew you would respond that way. Lol. @ddraudt how is the system sounding. @tbg how is your system sounding
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Calvinj did not have the Tara Labs the One with HFX grounding station,with the OEM length jumper cables that have to be used for best sound results, and Calvinj did not have a Tara Labs ISM on board Either, that is the version with the capsules made onto the cable, calvin had a Tara The one with componet grounding scheme,which is the cheapest poorest version tara labs ever made of the one cable, calvinj's version has been discontinued since the late 1990's, there is a substantial sound difference between the three versions of the same cable, cheers Gentleman.
Come on John, you only need one Kidney. And I can through in the Silent Source Ref too.
@jmac A vovox and a clearer audio. The ct1 is very natural. That's what I like about it. It was more open. High fidelity ultimate reference is great. It's up there in price but compared to what some of these other companies are charging. Not that bad lol. @ audiolabyrinth remember I'm not attacking you. Don't go spouting off at me my friend. Lol. Happy listening fellas.
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@audiolabryinth and jmcmcgrogan2 it was the tara labs the one interconnect. It was a vovox cable and some cables I have from clearer audio out of the uk. I did not post to have my comparison broke down like a science project. I did it because that's what I had on hand. It seems like a lot of guys want to defend this cable over that cable. I could care less about that. All I know is that I like the high fidelity cables more than anything else I have tried. I have tried more than 30 different brands in about 10 to 15 different set ups. All I know is as of right now high fidelity is the best I have heard to my ears. I care about the music. My best set up in my home included veloce ls1, high fidelity cables along with my vienna acoustics with the parasound cd1. I post here because these cables have brought me to audio nirvana better than all of the previous ones. I'm not a cheerleader I actual listen to the music. I have 1100 CDs. I will listen to any genre of music. It's about the music to me. I have been like this system my uncle mike gave me his turntable and some old funk records. I been like this since we wore out Billy Paul's "Me and Mrs. Jones" and had to buy the record twice. I know it's seems like the guys here who like high fidelity defend it like it's their first born. However, when you love music and you find something that makes your ears perk up that's what you do. It works for us. Audiolabyrinth tara labs work for you. WE ALL KNOW THAT. LOL. Tara labs cures cancer, turns water to wine, knocked mike Tyson out first, made jerry jones apologize to jimmy johnson etc. etc.etc. Lol. I'm just messing with you keith don't go getting agitated on me. I appreciate the enthusiasm the each of you have. Jmac. I appreciate your posts on the other threads. I understand you want to know what I compared it to now you know. @tbg you are right I have enjoyed Rick's high fidelity ultimate reference to the ends of the earth and top of the mountain. It is truly a find in my high end audio journey the last 6 years. I been at it non stop like a junkie. Lol. It expensive but it delivers!!! @mapman. Not likely? Ha ha ha. How did you know that I was thinking that what I compared it to was irrelevant. It actual is irrelevant. These cables will have you sitting in your listening chair mainlining like chris Tucker did in the movie "Dead Presidents" Lol. Honestly, they are different from all the other brands I have heard. It's been funny watching this thread flare up like we are still playing high school football in Texas on Friday Night. Lol. All of the guys here have been entertaining. @Ddraudt.@tbg High Fidelity For Life!!!!! LOL.
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Jmcgrogan2, I suspect that no one else would have the same cables as Calvinj compared with the Ultimate Reference cables. As you probably know I think other than saying one man's opinion and experiences, postings are worthless as all of our systems, rooms, hearing, etc. Calvinj liked the cables. I suspect that everyone would, but really don't care if they don't.