High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

@ddraudt. That's good to hear. More people actually listening. I have a friend who has another friend who wants to listen next week. He is a true audiophile. His dad is an audiophile as well. He is interested in hearing how they sound. I will get him over my house late next week. We will see how it goes. I'm will go listen to his system the following week. Looking forward to getting to hear yours as well. Enjoy!!!
I had people over the past 3 days listening to what High Fidelity non cables do for my system. 2 music lovers and one former audio Rep and audio storeowner/operator.
I alway like to ask folks how they would describe the system. All agreed that they had no appropriate words to impart an understanding of what they experienced. I have that trouble too.
The Audio guy, after listening to music he was extremely familiar with, "Tin Pan Alley" by Stevie Ray Vaughan, said it was the best he'd ever heard it by far. First time he could hear pinpoint placement with air around every instrument, effortlessly painting and amazing picture. Unheard of image solidity, dynamics, tone and effortless.
One listener called it "perfectly pure", another called it "an out of body experience, transcendent ". An audiophiles dream!!
More people listening tonight as I tune up for big weekend visits. ;-) D
@ddraudt. Also happy to be able to hear your system soon. That's what the hobby is about listening. All that other stuff is useless to me.
@ddraudt. Yup I have thought about changing things myself. I have started to use that Tidal streaming service and running it through my Resonessence invicta mirus dac. I'm getting some really great sound. The high fidelity ultimates really help with realism. It allows me to still enjoy the quality of sound with the streaming. Tidal is supposed to be cd quality. It's the best streaming service I've heard so far. I let my parasound cd1 go in favor of my Dac. I'm glad I did it. However, sometimes I miss the silver disc. Lol.
This would be really strange were it to turn out Calvin and Dave really are the same guy.
Especially if it turned out that Calvin couldn't find Dave's house!
Calvinj, will be good to hear new CD's (my only source at this time).
I'm sure my system is very different from yours so It really will be an education on High Fidelity cable products on other equipment. Perhaps you will even find something nice to say about the sound here. ;-) I will be getting a new set of speakers in a few weeks and a new amp in a month and I'm looking at a starter digital streamer/card reader. So this is a great time to visit before months of break in and tuning. Friend and I were talking this morning about how High Fidelity Cables make us consider changing components to get more of what the cables do. First time in all my listening years that I have been this happy about audio. D (beautiful music in the background)
@ddraudt. I will bring new music I got. I'm actually thinking about trying some different equipment with the high fidelity. I might get a smaller system. Still high end but smaller monitor speakers. Just a thought though.
Mapman, even better, they are both Rick Schultz. That would be way cool!!
This would be really strange were it to turn out Calvin and Dave really are the same guy. Who knows? Gotta admit the thought has crossed my mind. 😳
@ddraudt @tbg. Ok I will try to get down there. It would be great to listen. I love to actually hear different systems. Also it also good to see the high fidelity on completely different equipment than mine. Also it's good to talk to other folks about things they have tried and how it works in thier systems. Really excited!!! It would be nice to finally put faces to the names or ears to the names. Lol.
Calvin, Visit if you can. It would be great to meet you finally.
I turn on (or up) my system when I get up in the morning and down just before bed. It's too good to leave off. D
Calvinj, next weekend several of us are meeting at David's home. Email me or David.
Oh farts make sounds I will give somebody credit for actually commenting on how something sounds. Anyway back to the music.@lak try erik truffaz. Three disc set. Jazz fusion kind of flavor. Expensive but well worth it. Recorded well too. Well I guess I have nothing else to add. I actually own and listen to the product. Till I listen again. @everyone enjoy your music and this hobby.
Probably not unless played back with a high fidelity wire or two. Only then could it sound good. That's all that matters. 😏
Mapman. I hope these guys don't have a good fart. We will never hear the end of how they felt about it.
@sounds even better today. I'm listening to the Bennie green trio. Sounds like they are in the room with me. If you enjoy the small club atmosphere it makes you feel like you are there.

Let us know when they stop sounding good. At least that will be some news. You sound like a freakin broken record. Can't you just enjoy your system like everyone else and stop telling us about it? Or at least tell us about something else contributing. We know you like your freakin wires already.
Great listening session last night fellas. Still sleepy stayed up too late enjoying my music. I'm going to start up again this morning. Lol. Those of you who haven't tried the high fidelity ultimates. This particular product has been the sweet spot for me. At first I thought that I shouldn't pay this much for a interconnect but I was quickly satisfied when it flat out musically performed in my system like nothing I have ever had. When you have musicians that are really good on thier instruments it keeps up with it all effortlessly. Last night there were piano and drum passages that were quick and back to back and on top of each other. The high fidelity ultimates still got it all in a manner that allowed you to really see how great a guy can play.
Calvinj, I've been listening to a wide variety of music lately. I agree that there is something about the sound that HFCables allows, that greatly enhances musical enjoyment. A friend and I listened to the mostly soft and delicate songs from Rickie Lee Jones "Pop pop" album, then listened to the wildly
intricate rhythmic blends and high energy world music of Mino Cinelu album "Mino Cinelu"(played loudly). The High Fidelity Stuff handles every type of music with aplomb and deftness lifting veils I did not know existed and delivering the most perfect performances I could never have imagined possible in audio. How could I not be thrilled and excited!!!
You know what I mean Calvin! Enjoy!!
Rlawry, Thank you so much for you post!
An excellent example of a real post.
I'm sure your enjoying the music! D
I could be called bad things here but I want to thank some of the older respectable ones, Csmgolf and Jmcgrogan for speaking up when it calls for it. Thanks for doing what you can to keep our site something to benefit from. Thanks guys.
Previously I reported on this thread that I bought a used 2 meter CT-1 cable to try for signals between my turntable with Lyra cartridge outputting 0.5 mV and my Manley Steelhead Phono Stage. When I replaced my previous carbon nanotube Bybee filter cables with the CT-1 I got no signal at all from one channel and a weak one from the other. Changing cables between channels showed the same results. I contacted HF cables and was told the cable connectors were probably contaminated with metallic debris, making for a bad connection, attenuating the weak phono signals. So I sent them back for cleaning and received them today. I tried the cables again after letting them settle for a few hours.

The results were completely different this time, and in a word, otherworldly. This is the biggest change yet, bigger than the CT-1s between other equipment down the line including speaker cables. The presence, immediacy, dynamics, bass, dimensionality, liquidity, treble, ease, you name it, was the best I have heard yet. I have single-driver speakers and love the coherence and immediacy, which these cables keep improving. I also have CT-1Us between my phono stage and preamp and these seem to be breaking in with more fullness, ease, dimensionality, and bass.

If you think your cables might need the contacts cleaned, HF Cables can send you some Silly Putty to glob onto the connectors to effectively remove the metallic debris. I also like bouncing Silly Putty balls around, so there is more than one way of having fun.
Back to the music everyone.Lol. I appreciate the comments from folks who have listened and want to listen more. I am currently in my weekly Friday night listening sessions with my High Fidelity Ultimates my ARC REF3 and my Revel Studio 2. I am listening to Phronesis and it is blowing my mind. my experience with this product has led me re evaluate what I used to think about them making a difference. There is no going back after this. The musicians in his band are on the same page so much that it is flat out unreal. This is where the high fidelity makes a difference. You get a fast and articulate piano player and someone who is great on percussions going with a great bass player and boom. There is a complete unraveling of each passage and the sounds between the notes are beautiful. When music is being played with speed, precision and emotion all at the same time its musical joy. These guys take you down a musical maze and the high fidelity stuff just handles it like a champ. Clarity and decay is special. I'm going to be in my sweet spot for hours tonight. This is why I'm in this hobby. I just want to listen. I want to block out the sun and sit in the shade close my eyes and be transported. We all have to understand that there will always be folks that will doubt what you hear. Trust your ears. I realized after allowing myself to go down to some other person's level was a huge mistake. Why should we care about guys that will never hear our systems and have nothing to share about something that is important to us. Getting the best sound possible is what's important. I hear people argue opinions all day long. This is audiogon. Not who shot jfk. All this marketing conspiracy crap is not what you sought when you came here to this thread. Does the person have the product? What impressions can they share with the rest of us audiophiles? There are crime shows all day on ID channel on cable. When I see someone come and they haven't listened to a product or they doubt a product that they haven't heard at all why bother with them. If you are a true audiophile the first rule is to listen. If you been on audiogon and you are a veteran you should know that by now. Wisdom and time don't always run hand in hand. It tells me why pay attention to the talk. If they haven't even listened. If someone has listen to just the entry level cable then how can they doubt an improvement on the higher up models. We have allowed some guy to matter to us that shouldn't. It's like going to Chick-Fil_A for a hamburger. No Grown man should be telling another Grown man what they like or don't like or what they are wrong about. This ain't a golf course. The snobby Golf attitude don't cut it in the real world. This is the audio world. No one can make us buy a product. This is what surprises me the most everyone. Some guys think they are so smart that they need to come save everyone on audiogon from the conspiracy. This tells you everything you need to know. The rest of us are just not smart enough to make our own decisions. I'm glad I got my own ears. I sold all my other cables because I love the sound of these. Trust yourself not some random guy who doesn't have experience with something you are considering.
Having a great day listening to music! Thanks to HFC. I put an isolation table under my HFC WGPF (magnetic power filter) with very pleasing results. The already incredible sound got even more so. Unheard of purity and realness got even better. I have sojourners traveling from other cities to hear my system in a week so Back to listening and tweaking. ;-) D
Sammons, You mentioned thinking the HFC power products. In my experience, the may be the biggest magnetic improvement. A friend of mine we so thrilled by getting an Ultimate HF Power Cord He wanted lots more.
He told me that the U pc made a better difference than any interconnect he'd tried in over 20 years and could not fathom how a power cord could effect the sound like that.. He has now gotten U spk and UR digital and dreams of more. I agree with him. I have 2 URR pc and the upgraded UR Power Filter. Any verbal description would not tell you how miraculous the sound is. From personal experience I am quite certain that if you haven't heard it, You haven't heard all that is possible in audio.HFC- Better than all others.
I hope you get an opportunity to audition a high fidelity power cord and share your thoughts. Thanks DD
I'd like to thank Tbg, Calvinj, Calloway, Charles1dad, Lak, Rlwry, Agisthos for your posts in the past 4 pages.
Mapman Mcgrogan2, other worms. You have said nothing but to kiss ass to your non informed cronies about nothing. I'm wasting time in 3 lines to tell you what unless stupid crap you've barfed onto this thread. Major fools!
Special thanks to Rick Schultz for making the best stuff ever!!!
Those who have the ability- Enjoy the Music!!!
Great posts John. I am not sure how the matter at hand can be made any more clear than that. I am still fairly certain that the point will be missed yet again.
Jmcgroggy, Me- not dealer. You- lying pond scum. already wasted too many words on you.
"See everybody this is why he came here in the first place. Issues with me not the actual product. I don't own or have a financial stake in high fidelity I have a stake in how my system sounds."

Please find for me where I said you had any financial interest in HF cables. Unless you and DD are one and the same, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, I never addressed you until you addressed me. The amp you sold me was not a special "deal", it was the going rate. You did not sell it to me for that price out of the goodness of your heart. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool. If you had been offered more, you would have sold it for more, plain and simple. I only brought our other non-transaction to light to show that you are not the swell guy that you are trying to make yourself out to be. That much should be obvious to people that can both read and comprehend English.

"I don't bash products"

Please point out to me where I bashed this product anywhere. You can search the internet as much as you want, it is not there.

"I could care less about how anybody comments or why they comment it's up to me to decide. I speak for myself not anyone else on this thread. I have never said anything to golf on this thread so you addressed me so I'm addressing you."

You apparently care a great deal about how people comment or you wouldn't be so worked up. You should probably read the thread again, because as usual you have it completely backwards....unless of course you and DD are one and the same. Before you get all sideways, I'll say it again, I don't think that is the case. As far as not speaking for anyone else, you have spoken for DD over and over and over and over. Hey, whatever.

:@cmsgolf. No one has to answer to anyone. It's funny how it bothers you that someone posts how much they like something."

Wrong again, it is amazing how little you understand of what you read. Please read JMcgrogan's last post above slowly and try to comprehend what he is getting at. It is not directed at you at all. That post gets right to the heart of the issue. This point has been made countless times and is only directed at one person who is not being forthright. I'll give you the hint again, it is not you that is being questioned. Honestly, I think it is great that people are this in love with a product. I would never have known about this product if it weren't for this thread. Sadly, it has turned into the twilight zone.

"Like right now this back and forward between me and you is irrelevant to most people who come here."

Funny, but if you read back through this, you addressed me first, not the other way around. You can thank yourself, not me, for this.

"Last question. Have you heard the ct1 enhanced, ultimates or ultimate reference in your current system? People want to know what your impressions are not what you think about other people that we all will never meet, speak to or ever interact with. Then again that's just my Bizarre opinion.
Calvinj (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

You know the answer to that, at least if you can understand English. From what I can tell from reading this thread, that is highly doubtful. Here is another clue, we are interacting right now. That does not need to be done face to face to be occurring. Hopefully all of this is a little more clear for you, but I doubt it. Bizarre indeed.
"Personally I doubt if either of you are qualified to judge ethics of others."

There is probably only one "person" qualified for that. And its none of us.

Shouldn't stop one from trying and doing the best we can though.
Post removed 
Tbg, you should be grateful, were it not for stupid fools like myself and Mapman no one would know how wise you are.
Mapman and Jmcgrogan2, it seems quite clear that no one here other than you guys has such an "inquiring mind that wants to know." We all want to know of others experiences with HFCables.

Personally I doubt if either of you are qualified to judge ethics of others.
Post removed 

Who appointed you spokesperson for everyone else?

Same guy who made me ethics cop?
Mapman, luckily nobody cares what you think and only views you as a fly in the ointment.
Jmcgrogan2, and why should we believe you? And even if true, does that make the cables worthless and why does the manufacturer tolerate it? And finally why is this posted on a thread dealing with personal experiences with these cables?
I received all the CD's you recommended and I enjoy all of them.
Beautful music, very dynamic and well recorded.
Thank you!
@lak how did all the music I recommended sounded. What worked and what didnt. Lol
Post removed 
@cmsgolf. No one has to answer to anyone. It's funny how it bothers you that someone posts how much they like something. It also shows that you have watched how I responded to others. Guess what? I'm going to keep posting how much I enjoy my high fidelity as well as the rest of the my equipment. If I see something I want to address I will. I do it because when I see people post about anything other than how something sounds then I call them on it. I think it takes away from why people come to this and other threads. Like right now this back and forward between me and you is irrelevant to most people who come here. If I'm bizarre then who cares lol. Last question. Have you heard the ct1 enhanced, ultimates or ultimate reference in your current system? People want to know what your impressions are not what you think about other people that we all will never meet, speak to or ever interact with. Then again that's just my Bizarre opinion.
@truth comes out if that's the way you saw it. Whatever. lol. See everybody this is why he came here in the first place. Issues with me not the actual product. I don't own or have a financial stake in high fidelity I have a stake in how my system sounds. Audiophiles come to this thread for actual comments on a product. I'm here for that reason. I don't bash products I don't challenge people's integrity that I don't know. I could care less about how anybody comments or why they comment it's up to me to decide. I speak for myself not anyone else on this thread. I have never said anything to golf on this thread so you addressed me so I'm addressing you. If that's bizarre to you when a person challenges your integrity. Then it's bizarre to think that people won't address you. Any way. Everyone make your own decisions.
Well Calvin, I never said that you lacked integrity and really have no clue where you get that from. I have no idea why you are talking about Tara Labs with me, I have never owned any. I am enjoying the Statement Plus amp. If you are going to tell the story, tell the whole thing not just the part that makes you look like a swell guy. I also remember that you made an offer on a DK Design upgraded to Statement Plus right after I purchased your amp. "Gets it done" was your quote. If you remember, you made your offer at midnight. By 11AM the next morning you were emailing me asking me to reject the offer because I was taking too long. When you take away 7 hours for sleep, I had 4 hours to consider an offer that was lower than what I was considering for a bottom line. ($1100 less than what I paid for yours, BTW). Who was getting the deal there or looking to really make out? I more than gladly rejected the offer after that. Out of all of the transactions I have conducted on this site, that was clearly in the top three for most bizarre and maybe even number one. By the rules of Audiogon, I have 48 hours to make that decision. When you offer on an item, you are agreeing to conduct the transaction in accordance with the rules for buying listed on this site. Apparently you feel those rules don't or shouldn't apply to you. You also have made it clear that you don't care that one of the people that constantly praises these cables refuses to declare or deny his relationship with the company in question. The forums are not to be used to promote a product that someone has a financial interest in. It has been that way here for a long time. I don't see why that is so difficult to understand. He could have easily ended this discussion a long time ago and has chosen not to. I have no problem with end users here praising any product as much as they feel like. It is a good thing when people are elated with their purchases and their systems.

If I don't own the cables, what better way is there to find out about the sound than being able to try them for free in my own system? That is the way any reasonable person would do it if they have the choice. If you had the chance to try an amp or speakers or cd player in your system before you purchase, wouldn't you do so? It would be foolish not to. I don't understand the problem with it. If I like the cables enough, I can purchase a set. If not, I am out nothing. I have never, even one time, bashed this product. For some reason, you have this innate ability to take bits and pieces of what 4 different people say and attribute all of it to each of them. Again, very bizarre.
@sammons I enjoyed reading your post. I remember when I was trying cable after cable and a couple later there was no enjoyment and I felt there was something missing. I heard a ct1 then I had to have it. I bought one. Then I got to demo all the way up the chain. I settled in on the ct1 ultimates and got rid of all the rest of the cables. I was on a merry go round for years. This is the longest I have stuck with a product. My equipment may change but my ct1 ultimates will always be a part of my recipe. It did for me what the others did not. It is just flat out different from anything I ever heard. In a good way. Enjoy your music.
Here we go again. @cmsgolf hope you are enjoying the lsa statement I sold you after I decided to change and go to separates. I guess I had no integrity and ethics when you dealt with me and was getting a deal. @everyone. This is exactly what I'm talking about people are coming to this thread to make personal attacks instead of report on Audio. What surprises me is that I too owned the one from tara labs and I sold it. I personally liked the ct1 better. However it depends on what you like. Both products performed well however. Audiophiles have to decide for themselves. I speak for myself and not other audiophiles. Some guys come here and think because the been on audiogon for 15 or 20 years they deserve a medal. Lol. No listen to products for yourself or use your phone a friend card like cmsgolf did. Lol. The sweet spot for me was the high fidelity ct1 ultimates and that's what I have now and I don't even look at using conventional cables anymore. Lately, on this thread it's been more talk about people than actually how something sounds. I love this hobby and my high fidelity along with the rest of my system. I'm going to continue this journey. I might switch to a smaller system and see if the high fidelity works on the equipment I pair it with. Make your own decisions don't let anyone tell you how much you can post, report, gush or even bash a product. The only thing I can recommend in my OPINION is don't talk JUST LISTEN!!!
Roger (Rlawry), nice explanation of what may be at work here with the HF cables. You are one of the people I was referring to in my first post that have me convinced of the sound quality of the HF cables. If they are a big improvement over the ID cables that I purchased from you, they must really be outstanding as the ID cables are truly excellent also. I take you at your word on it, as well as the other member that I mentioned in that first post. Enjoy them.
"Also, when they annihilate they produce a pair of 511 Kev photons that travel 180 degrees from each other. Probably not what you want happening in your listening room! ;-)"

Only if it improves the sound.
"Also, when they annihilate they produce a pair of 511 Kev photons that travel 180 degrees from each other. Probably not what you want happening in your listening room! ;-)"

I might consider it if it makes things sound better! :^)