Bad enough the fall off of ones hearing acuity from aging, but racket in the day to day is the worst of all. The older I get the more I detest:
big trucks with loud exhausts
noisy motorcycles
screaming kids
barking dogs
loud talking (especially from those inebriated)
loud TV
..and worst of all are neighbors who have barking dogs, screaming kids, who seem to have the TV on more than off, who have at least one Harley Davidson that is coming and going frequently, and neighbors who join their other inebriated friends weekends and Mondays to whoop and holler at those asinine TV sports broadcasts. No surprise when you enter their house you don't see books (maybe a gun or truck magazine), and before it's time to leave (can't come to soon) you're asked at least once which church you attend. Rural Arizona. Avoid at all costs.