My wife and I were arguing about my latest purchase of some audio gear. I explained to her about how I enjoy the music, it's my hobby, etc., etc. I must say that she got the better of me (a first) when she said; "Why don't you buy a great pair of headphones and be done with it! That way you can get your great sound and listen when you want without rocking the whole house!" I was speechless as I momentarily couldn't fight the logic of it. I think I mustered a response about realism, soundstage - "It's just not the same!" Any one of my fellow (married) audiophiles have this same discussion? Did you win? What was your response? I need some ammo soon as I'm seeing a piece here on Audiogon that I've been looking for for some time. By the way, my wife is one of those that when I DO get her to sit down and listen to my system, she sits in the seat that is to the right of the right speaker because it's "more comfortable"! Need I say more!
HiFi dealers & audiophile wife problems
We sold certain brand of black spkrs to a customer about a year ago. He wanted rosewood, but he bought black. Why? Because he figured he could swap the new spkrs with his old (about the same size) while his wife was out and figured she wouldn't notice. Did it work? Yes.