HiDiamond Digital IC

Seems to be a popular theme these days.

I received the aes/ebu version of the HD Digital Carbon cable today in the mail. I was enticed by the glowing remarks posted elsewhere and have been bored while awaiting a Varidig Sextet to show up. With a few hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket I figured I'd take the plunge.

First let me dispell concerns posted elsewhere regarding dealing with the north American distributor, Robert of worldwide wholesales. From my first communication with him he's been responsive, pleasant, professional. My standards for these qualities is unusually exacting and my tolerance for any bs below nil. Our interaction resulted in an order, which he made easy, and the cables were shipped virtually instantaneously and arrived quickly.

On to the soundy bits....

Straight from my mailbox cold into my system went the cable. Fit and finish, fine, no issues.

Some comparisons to my Marigo Apparition 5.8, a cable that has bested all comers to date and served me well for years.....

Realism and presence. Edge to the HD. Small margin.
Air around instruments. Edge to HD. Medium margin.
Instrument placement. Edge to HD. Small margin.
Resolution. Edge to HD. Medium margin.
Soundstage depth. Edge to HD. Small margin.
Soundstage width. Even.
PRAT. Edge to HD. Small margin.
Frequency extension - highs. Even.
Frequency extension - lows. Even.
Bass control. Edge to HD. Very small margin.
Black background. Even.

Overall these cables are more similar than different. But there are noticeable improvements with the HD. This is cold, no break-in, both on the cables and on the aes/ebu connections on transport and dac.

Also, keep in mind the Marigo is an $1100 cable, the HD is half that.

The $100,000 question: which is more musical, which will I keep?

I'm going to reserve judgement and see how this breaks in a bit, get more listening time under its belt. Go back and forth some.

Initial impression though is extremely favorable. If they keep trending in the direction shown, I'll try the interconnects sooner than later.

(for the cynics: I am in now way related in business or otherwise to HD or Worldwide wholesales. I live in Florida and work as a technology executive.)
I got a HiDiamond Reference AES/EBU cable in October from World Wide Wholesales. It did help that WWW is located in Canada.( I lived in Canada).

In MY SYSTEM, that digital cable is excellent. I was searching for another digital cable and tried a few models including the Nordost Valhalla and the Stealth Veridig Sextet.

I knew that this was the cable that would stay in my system.

Like I say, this digital cable has a good synergy with the rest of my system.
There will be a very detailed review coming out on the D7 interconnects and XLR 2 from a major US magazine in Aug 2012; the reviewer purchased and replaced his reference cable with the D7 interconnect.
HiDiamond cables will be exhibited at the following shows;
Toronto audio show called TAVES in the Parklane room from Sept 28-30). We will also be at the Venetian for C.E.S. Luxury suite 30-220 on Jan 8-11 2013 and there will be several other rooms using our HiDiamond Cables at CES.
Cheers and thank you for all the support.
As far as flavor-of-the-month "it has that feel" comments.

I fail to see the logic. Every brand starts somewhere, including the ones we consider famour and/or reputable today. Who is anyone to say this isn't a future Nordost or Kubala Sosna or Stealth?

These cables are the real deal. Among current users, the cables have been compared against high end cables from several reputable manufacturers including Stealth, Audioquest, Kubala Sosna, Synergistic Research and others.

I won't consider anyone's dismissal or criticism - nor should anyone else - until the critic has actually tried the cable in a system they're familiar with.
@ Musicallyinclined re: agreeing with audiofeil...

my personal opinion is that a dealer has no place with his opinion in a discussion as he/she has a vested interest in the product they represent

furthermore, i did own 2 of the cables that audiofeil represents, the STEALTH varidig for over 3 years and the STEALTH sextet for 1 year and as excellent as they are...the Hidiomends digital cables do what they do and much more for less money. end of story
Thanks -- all in good fun. I am all for whatever makes your system sound better.
Sabai, Thanks for being a good sport. I'm sure your system sounds great. There are no right or wrong so long it sounds good to you, that's all important. Happy Listening!
I don't know guys, I hear ya there about all kinds of cable hype.
I have tried the many $$$ cables just as Glory has.
I personally went to simple DIY 5N Soft solid silver cables with oversize teflon and high quality connectors.

However, the HiDiamond Ref digital cable is pretty impressive.
I tend to side with Audiofeil on this topic. Let's face it, the market tends to have a lot of these "flavor of the month" type of products and eventually they die off never to be heard from again. This brand has that "feel" IMHO.
Joncourage; In my opinion following these threads and listening to the negative comments probably from the people who don't even own Hidiamond towards the people who actually own Hidiamond I class them as "P.O.W". Pieces Of Work!!!!!

Glory; Grow the heck up and let us people have the moment. You had your moments with JPS- Telling me how the power cords/interconnects maybe even speaker wire were better(your words were far more detailed and direct) than Synergistic Research. I never made slang comments on forums towards you. Why do you do it to others? Lighten-up man....And if you don't have Hidiamond or aren't interested, or can't make positive comments in general, or leave the smack talk to a debatable situation, then stay off the Hidiamond threads!!!!!!!!THX
Sabai, to celebrate my country's birthday, I wore my Nike shoelaces in a SERIES, 1 red, 1 white and 1 blue. I had to play around the different combinations of material in each one to dampen the shock on my joints ... solid core, twisted pair, cotton, nylon ... OMG!!!!! I shaved several minutes off my 5 mile run plus I was the coolest audiophile in the gym.
You hit the nail on the head. When Gloria and Audiofeil arrive you know what to expect. They should buy a Gestetner and hand out copies.
Sabai: "This is what I experienced from the very beginning when I swapped HiDiamond cables into my system -- something very special that no other cables have done for my system. In my enthusiasm, I was criticized falsely on the forums for being a shill, as was Musicxyz who got me onto HiDiamond. But so may others are now experiencing and reporting the same thing that, you may have noticed, these criticisms are now nowhere to be found."

Likewise. As I've said my experience was the same, although I didn't catch as much criticism as you have for whatever reason.

"07-17-12: Glory
Just a hyped up copper cable boys and girls. At the end of summer and into the fall another lover will arise on the scene and outrun this cable and there will be lots of HD cable up for sale."

Doubtful. Glory you give several of us too little credit for not being easy dupes mindlessly following the latest craze. Why do you feel the need to piss on others' enjoyment? I guess you're just one of those miserable types who only takes pleasure from controversy and antagonism. Unfortunate. For you.
Or it may be a really good cables. The only way to find out is to try HDs against your own cables in your system. But as I said beofre, there is no way to demo those cables, besides buying them.
This is what I experienced from the very beginning when I swapped HiDiamond cables into my system -- something very special that no other cables have done for my system. In my enthusiasm, I was criticized falsely on the forums for being a shill, as was Musicxyz who got me onto HiDiamond. But so may others are now experiencing and reporting the same thing that, you may have noticed, these criticisms are now nowhere to be found.
No shortcomings from any of the users? No system matching needed? They will work equally well for all systems?

these are the first set of cables that i have used that present the soundstage as it was intended to be heard.

For example I have Live recordings of groups, ensembles and choirs at venues of the Elora Music Festival (I don't live far from the Elora Music Festival , here in Ontario, and have enjoyed often the live music in the summer). WITH HIDIAMOND I hear what i would hear at the venues...same height, width, depth...if a performer was playing piano and they were closely miked, that is how i would hear the pianist. If a three microphone setup is used for a choir in a church, i hear the performers, soloists, and giant acoustic space surrounding them

but that is audiophile talk for not really understanding the music...these cables do so much more than that. They are phase coherent !! You here everything the way it was meant to be heard. I said this in a previous post but pitch, timbre, harmony, melody, rhythm, are spot on and by that i don't mean PRaT, which most people have no real understanding of anyway. I don't dare use the term musical, because far too many recent reviewers have spoiled that term to mean euphonic and pleasing. No these cables go further than that, they convey themes, messages, performance. You rarely read about that in reviewers' write-ups.
I too am using the HiDiamond Reference digital cable now, having previously used the HiDiamond Carbon. In my experience the Reference is clearly superior to the carbon in every audiophiliac quality. In my system, resolution and dynamics were most noticably affected. The difference between the two cables in my system were so great, that under no circumstances could i recommend to anyone they buy the carbon over the reference. I have a one meter rca cable and, although it was superior to the carbon out of the box, it didn't start really showing its true nature until about 150hrs and it continued from there until it seemed to settle in at about 300hrs. Also, dealing with Robert Neill at Worldwide Wholesales was an absolute pleasure.
I don't think of either forward nor receded, they strike me as very natural sounding.

The presentation seems what would be a pleasing and logical representation of what I imagine the recording engineer intended. In other words, you hear the music and the song with no distraction from any unnaturalness in tonal balance, image placement or soundstage.

Maybe that's "neutral"?
In my system the sound stage is very natural. They are not in your face but they don't put you way back in the crowd. Have a listen and see what you think -- and let us know.
Thanks for the clarification guys... I am becoming interested in the HiDiamond offerings. Especially since one of the main enthusiasts has a system close to my own...

Can any HiDiamond IC or PC owner tell us if these wires have a receded or forward presentation???
Joncourage and Ozzy,
I am using the Diamond 3 XLR ICs -- stunnning. I put on Dusty Springfield yesterday -- ditto.
Ozzy's, if you want to try another HD, give the Diamond 3 xlr ICs a shot. Every day, I'm nothing short of amazed at the absolute grace, clarity, and musicality I am hearing since putting them in. Miles ahead.
Ozzy and Jriggy,
I run XLR cables in series. Male fits into female. No connectors required.
Jriggy, Sabai is using XLR connection's.

Right now, I am really enjoying the way my new HiDiamond reference digital cable is progressing with more hours of music playing through it.

I just listened to some remastered Dusty Springfield ,ooohh baby...

I've got the itch to try another HiDiamond cable. I own the BSG Qol unit,(an excellent product),on that unit I am using the Synergistic Tesla T2 power cord. It seems adaquate, but I wonder if the power cord may be holding back even more potential for the Qol. The Qol is a low powered Analog device.

So, those of you with the HiDiamond 3 power cords, have you found it works better on low powered equipment or Higher amperage equipment?

And is it better suited for Digital or Analog equipment?
Please excuse my ignorance here but how does one run two digital cables in series? Just with a hi-end barrel connector?
Glad to hear it worked out Ozzy. Robert is indeed Class A.

With the HD digital and interconnects in my system I am *finally* content and I've never enjoyed music more.

The difference to previous cables is remarkable. More than I would have ever imagined.

The people that are willing to take a chance on these I think learn this is a very special piece of gear.
Well, I thought now would be the right time to complete my journey with the HiDiamond Digital interconnects and share with others my opinion.

The original HiDiamond Digital cable (in my system) had a boost in the upper mid/lower treble region that to me was not right. But, depending upon on the system I could see where that could add additional clarity.

The Distributor (Worldwide wholesalers) Robert Neill listened to my concerns and suggested I try a new "reference" version Digital cable that HiDiamond just came out with.

Once I received it instead of going straight to my Cable Cooker for break in, I tried it out in my system first for a few hours.

Well, this cable did not have the boost in the upper mid/lower treble region like the first cable did.
In fact, this cable had a much deeper soundstage and one of the things that stood out was the amount of echo depth it possessed including before and after the actual sound emerges.

I knew right away that this cable is a keeper. I then put it on my Cable Cooker for about 3-4 days. Today, for the first time I am listening to the broken in cable version.

As I would describe it, this cable has a very nice natural calm sound with a large deep soundstage. The best sounding digital interconnect I have ever tried.
Good on the distributor to try and make you happy Ozzy even if it means refunding you which may suck for him but is ultimately the right thing to do. We have no way of checking these out unless we take a leap of faith or trust what others have been posting. In the end, if there are no stores one can deal with, we must get some sort of agreement with the distributor. Glad to see you won't get stuck with a cable that doesn't do it for you.
I continue to enjoy the digital cable in my system, the music has never
been so satisfying to me.

I'll be bringing my cable and DAC to my local (Tampa Bay) audio club's
upcoming DAC shootout. I hope to introduce this respect-worthy brand to a
larger audience. I anticipate a very positive reception.

I think it's worth mentioning that my experience has been nothing like
Ozzy's. I had the Illuminati in my system several cables ago, at least 3
cables have replaced it -- including the likes of Marigo and Kubala Sosna --
and have proven progressively better to me, in my system, and the HD is
the best yet. So to me the HD is head and shoulders above the Illuminati,
which I considered only a so-so cable.
The distributor (Worldwide wholesales)again contacted me via email and then we talked on the telephone. Robert seems genuinely concerned and wants me to contact him after I return the HiDiamond cable back into my main system this Sunday.

He has assured me that he will do everything to make me satisfied, even if that means a refund.

So that sounds comforting. What more could I expect?
Sabai, there are infinite combinations so experiments are based on my experience and common sense. Yes I could and probably have missed out on many I dismissed that yield positive results but that's life ... can't win them all.

Bottom line is one must do and use what sounds best to them without apologies.

Have you tried running one speaker upside down the other side ways? Unbelievable! LOL!!!
Next you have to run them in series to find the proper tuning combination. LOL!!!
What is the distributor's reasoning Ozzy? A cable typically gets much better break-in with cable cookers IMO than they do with source running through them. What's the next excuse; the source material wasn't the right one? LMAO!
Bottom line is are these cables refundable if you don't like them or not? I thought they were (thought I read that somewhere).
Mcondon, Glory,
I have one for sale and the other one has been cooked on my AudioDharma cable cooker for 4 days.

The distributor of the HiDiamond cable says that the HiDiamond carbon cable need to be broken in with an actual source running through it. They claim that the Audiodharma cooker does not properly break in this type of cable. I dunno, but I am game.

I presently have the cable connected to another system running 24 hours a day and I will retry it about Sunday. So curently I am using a Morrow Dig 4 (which was better than my Kimber Illuminati D60).
Ozzy, what digital cable are you keeping in lieu of the HiDiamond that you have decided to sell?