Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?

Browse the listings for power amplifiers (e.g. under $5K) and you notice a myriad of Classe, Parasound, Bryston, older McIntosh and Mark Levinson and lots of Pass Labs.
So many in fact that you wonder why.
What are the true audiophile gems in the pre-owned solid state market? Thanks in advance.

Showing 3 responses by roberjerman

@Ipretiring: I have a Bedini 150/150 and a BEL 1001, among others in my collection. Both still working fine! 
Original GAS amplifiers: Ampzilla, Son Of Ampzilla and Grandson. I have two Son's and a Grandson. One Son is presently making wonderful music with the DCM Time Windows!
Perreaux 2150B. 340wpc/8ohms, 680wpc/4ohms, 920wpc/2ohms! Can be found for around $1K. I have one!