Hi Resolution download - question on authencity of the files

Hello all,
I have never downloaded a hi-rez album till date.
I recently heard samples of Norah Jones Day Breaks album and was thinking of purchasing the hi-rez album via acousticsounds.com or hdtracks.com or prostudiomasters.com. Question is - are these REAL hi-rez files or are these just up-sampled CD version? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am currently listening to "Celtic Woman - A New Journey" and the recording on this CD is superb. I wondered how much the "quality" of such a nicely recorded album can be improved. Hence the question. I am not sure if the FLAC 96kHz/24bit version is a real one that I would be able to distinguish from a CD 16/44 version.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 5 responses by erik_squires

Also, I like the work of Blue Coast Records more than anything else right now. I encourage you to buy from them.


After a few high profile scandals, HD tracks claims they scan all their files to ensure you are getting what you pay for.

I'm coming to believe the difference in sound between CD and hi rez has more to do with players than with data.

Some modern DACs play CD much better, so there's little or no audible difference. Of course, many insist on saying that these DAC's are inferior becuase the high rez signals should sound better.  I'm not in that camp, but buy what you like. :)

I wish I knew. I just think the latest crop of DAC's does such a very good job on Redbook files that I am not easily able to hear a difference.

Then I realised, what if the a DAC played redbook and hi-rez equally well. We would be forced to challenge our own biases and come to one of two conclusions:

1 - Previous DAC's were flawed and did not play Redbook well enough
2 - This DAC is flawed and doesn't play high rez well enough.

I'm starting to think 1 is more likely, since the DAC I'm listening to sounds better with all formats than previous gen at High rez. But this is all quite subjective and hard to prove at all.

I'm just wondering, if there were audible differences, if they really were the fault of the format, or if DAC's just had an easier time being musical at high rez.


Part of what makes me wonder about htis was my previous DAC with the Wyred4Sound Remedy.

The exact same data would come in at 44/16, come out at 96/24, and it would sound better. My next DAC however the Remedy had no such effect. With/without it sounded equally well and better than my first DAC.

So..... now I am rethinking my biases.



You are correct, and in my case, correct as well. My previous DAC had pretty mediocre jitter control EXCEPT via USB, which I did not have a source for.

I was however able to compare the Mytek to the previous DAC using the same source, Squeeze Touch via Coaxial.

Since then I built a Linux server (I'm typing this now on it) and switched to USB exclusively. It's fab.
