Helping a friend put together a sub-$1000 system

She's looking for a 2-channel setup with CD as the only source. Speakers will be monitors for a Manhattan apartment.

She listens primarily to more subdued rock and acoustic stuff, with a good amount of jazz and classical music.

She's OK with buying used. I suggested she listen to a NAD C320BEE with Vandersteen speakers as per the recommendations in this thread:

$1000 is the limit. Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by mechans

Agree with MMF-25 as source used sub $400. Jolida makes a sweet little amp for a few hundred either the tube or believe it not thier small Solid State. NHT SB2s on sale or possibly used should be less than $300 very close in design to thier top SB3. The Cd player has to be decent.