Helping a friend put together a sub-$1000 system

She's looking for a 2-channel setup with CD as the only source. Speakers will be monitors for a Manhattan apartment.

She listens primarily to more subdued rock and acoustic stuff, with a good amount of jazz and classical music.

She's OK with buying used. I suggested she listen to a NAD C320BEE with Vandersteen speakers as per the recommendations in this thread:

$1000 is the limit. Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by cdc

Have her go down to J&R Music World and check out the Teac/NHT system. It's the rack system right in front of you when you get to the top of the stairs. Or Even the $600 top of the line Denon mini system which J&R sells. This has the separate CD player and bigger Mission speakers.
I would get the Teac Reference 500 integrated which is only $300 at J&R and go with some speakers slightly rolled off on top like KRK or Epos. The Teac gives truly high end sound but is a little rough on top.
Other suggestions:
Ascend CBM-170 for $328 and Arcam delta integrated.
B&W 303 or 601's with NAD integrated.