Help ? with upgrade to budget system

I want to upgrade my system to accomodate my new larger listening room (was 12x10x8' is 16x30 with a 23ft ceiling). Curently I have a Cambridge Audio A-500 integrated, Cambridge Audio D-500SE CD, Tannoy R1 speakers (pair) with a Tannoy TD12 sub. I listen to ambient, classical, rock & pop....a range of music. My budget would be around $3000.

I like what I've been reading about the B&W 603 s3 speakers and I'm more inclined towards a clean pure sound and don't need really LOUD volume.... so any ideas ?

Showing 3 responses by memeboy

Before you spend more money on more watts, figure out whether you really need more watts. You might not, especially since you say that "loud" is not your concern.

I think you should upgrade your speakers; that will give you the biggest sonic improvement for your dollar.
I understand that you need to have some idea about what you might be spending on electronics in order to know how much you have to spend on speakers. Nevertheless,I strongly recommend that you settle on speakers first, because the differences there are vast, compared to the differences further upstream. As evidence of this, consider that some speakers can mask the differences between amps and CD players, whereas no decent electronics can ever mask the differences between speakers. One of the advantages of this approach is that you might find that you do not need new electronics and, if you do, you can select the electronics that fit well with the speakers. Speaking of electronics, I do not think that it is worth your money to move from a 50 [or 65?] watt amp to a 75 watt amp. As long as you are paying for a change, you should at least step up to 100 watts which could be helpful in your new larger room, unless you choose efficient speakers [which takes us back to the point of choosing speakers first]. I would not buy a component that combines long living parts [amp, pre-amp, tuner] with parts that have a shorter life [mechanical parts of tape and CD and DVD players]. I am a dealer, so I will not make comments on this forum on the brands you are considering or not considering.
Yes, that is puzzling to me too. It is fine to drive a Klipschorn with a weak amp, although I have seen and heard even those speakers eat up most of the power from 150 watt amps in a large, dead room, but it is absurd to think you will get loud volume in a large room without clipping from a tiny amp driving ineffient speakers. I am not saying you cannot get good sound. For example, I am using a one watt amp to drive inefficient (82dB) LS3/5A speakers in my study. It sounds great, but it will NOT play loudly without clipping. Actually, it will not play loudly at all (82dB is the max on peaks). But in a small quiet space it works just fine for the purpose of listening to music while writing Audiogon responses. For a large space, whether 50 or 60 watts will be enough really depends on the speakers you choose.

YES, there are stand mounted "bookshelf" speakers that can fill a large space [mine is 20'x38'x10'] with clean clear sound. It is harder to do, however, with mini monitors. Even though I love some mini monitors, I think you ought to be looking at bookshelf sized, standmounted speakers, unless you add a subwoofer and reduce the bass going to the main speakers. If you get the right speakers, I think you will be surprised at how good your electronics can sound, and you will also find out if you need more power.