Help with NEW MC cartridge putchase

I am certain that this question has come up before, but here it goes again. I would like to purchase a good quality MC cartridge to go with my tube phono stage (40 db of gain). The rest of my equipment are all based on tubes and I use SET amps. I currently am using the ClearAudio Aurum Beta S model, which is a MM cartridge. But I want to experience-- hopefully towards a positive direction--the sound of the MC cartridge. I am not looking for anything that costs an arm and a leg. No more than $750. If you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it. Thank you

Showing 1 response by tom_nice

I enthusiastically recommend the Denon DL 103D, a classic of yesterday that they're still making or making again. I'm grateful to someone on this Forum who put me onto it, as I had one decades ago and just got a new one and am delighted with it. One delightful aspect is that it costs only $229 plus $5 shipping. In its time, it was on a level with the Koetsu Black. I'm told it was once mandatory for Japanese FM stations. Only way I know to contact Denon is by telephone: 310-974-1010.