If you like the sound of the Hydra consider it for your system, mine was a worthy investment. Get one with the amount of outlets you need (the Hydra 8 is not the only option, I use a Hydra 4 and it works great for me). And don't go for the expensive powercables unless you own high end gear. Sidewinders and Copperheads from shunyata are probably the way to go. I can tell you from personal experience that the powercord to the hydra is not as critical as the ones from the hydra to your components so consider investing more into those (otherwise you'll end up on the upgrade merry-go-round like most people here). I can tell you that the copperhead beat the cardas golden reference powercords and audioquest nrg-5 hands down and was better in the highs than the revelation audio labs precept II powercord in my system (but the precept II was better everywhere else and even better than the Taipan alpha on my amp ... except of course in the highs).
One thing that you've found out is for sure: the hydra makes a considerable difference in any system that it enters, particularly digital front ends that tend to suffer most from dirty AC power such as the one in buildings where AC line sharing is common. I live in an apartment too and completely understand your position. I have a shunyata cryo'd outlet but have yet to install it, because after setting up the system I'm so hooked that I am relentless to unplug it all ... and pull the rack out in order to access the standard outlet (which probably retails for under $1 at home depot) but I may try it out some day ... my dealer did recommend a circuit upgrade to 20 amps before installing the shunyata outlet to hear the full benefits ... not a possibility in my apartment.
cheers and keep us posted on your decision.