Help with Choice

Hi, I'm thinking of diving into vinyl. I could get these three combos for about the same budget. Is one better than the others? Does one have a different character from the others.
1) Immedia rpm1 with rpm1 tonearm
2) Teres 160 and morch 4 arm
3) Clearaudio master solution with sme2 arm
Thanks in advance for your input.
The Teres tables are really something special and are upgradable to the higher models as money allows.
The Morch UP-4 will require different arm tubes dependong on cartridge,or when you desire a change of cartridge.I liked my Immedia,upgreaded to the "2".I believe there is an Immedia available here on the Gon.Can't comment on the RPM arm,had a Wheaton on mine.Happy hunting,Tom