I picked my pair up on the 'Gon. If you PM me I can contact the seller and ask him where he got them.
FWIW I got an immediate reply from the factory in Japan on a tech question, so I suggest that you contact them directly.
If it were me I would express my interest, describe the particulars of my situation and ask for their recommendation... As well as where to buy it - who knows you might be able to buy factory direct. The most important thing whether it comes from Japan, Taiwan, or China is that the model you buy is optimized for 117/60 and not some half baked conversion.
Obviously with the 100 line, they build one chassis with a whole bunch of variants . That line is 100w/8ohms as you noted. Also note the fine print that for sustained use they are rated at 30w - I have no idea if they are referring to a sine wave or what - the japanese are admirably conservative with their ratings. I doubt I will ever stress mine...
Please let us know how it turns out - they are highly regarded and I hope that the current environment doesn't force them to pullback on their plans for the US market.