Help with a Sugden Integrated Amplifier

Good morning,

My beloved Sugden a21a integrated amplifier from 2004 made a buzzing sound yesterday upon pressing the power button on and went dead. Now pressing the power button results in ....nothing

Over the past 6 months during normal operation, I have heard a different buzzing sound which occurs after longer use. I did notice a red light on one of the boards that I could see through the vents during use.

Besides sending it to the great equipment closet in the sky --- does anyone have any suggestions for repair or otherwise? I have enjoyed my personal result with this amplifier, and also welcome suggestions for something similar if I have to find an alternative.

Thank you
Call PS Audio.  Paul says they will assist you with any audio issue regardless of manufacturer.  
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Get another Sugden new or used. Sounds like you'll enjoy the investment. Or send it to a repair shop suggested by Sugden.