Help settle a streaming argument!

This is a SQ argument and is as follows-  I argue if you connect your streamer to an outboard DAC the streamer does not matter it’s just serving the music to the outboard DAC to do the work.  Therefore, buy a basic streamer.  The other is that you need to buy a top quality streamer and DAC to get great SQ. 

I liken it to cd players or the more pretentious cd transport argument- if the intent is to connect to outboard DAC the cd player doesn’t matter the outboard DAC DOES!

features and functionality aside!  Thoughts…..


I can say from my experience upgrading from a Bluesound NodeII to an Aurender streamer there is a big difference in sound quality. This is into my Mark Levinson preamp with excellent built in dac. Bluesound sounded good, Aurender sounds fantastic. 

"This is a SQ argument and is as follows- I argue if you connect your streamer to an outboard DAC the streamer does not matter"



Wrong, It makes a huge difference in SQ what type of music server you use, actually the DAC can be a Rolls Royce (adequate for any reasonable demand).


Matt M.


It’s strange how in something commonly referred to as a chain, some people still fail to understand the concept of a weak link. 

The topic whether a streamer matters in a digital chain has been brought up several times and yes, a streamer is a key component of your system. Investing in a quality streamer if you have a decent system with expensive gears.  Enjoy the music.