Help - Scroeder CB-9" tonearm - anti-skating setting issue

Hope someone can help here.
I have an old (original) version of the CB 9" arm which was developed for the Artemis TT.

I acquired it recently after building up the whole Artemis system.

The issue I am facing is that I am struggling to set the ant-skating correctly.
I reduced it so far that the screw is almost falling out, yet the tonearm swings outwards as I am trying to adjust the cartridge using a Dr Feickert rig. Correct VTA/VTF set, using a Fidelity Research FR-1 MK III retyped by Soundsmith.
I can listen to the first 2-3 recordings on the record (so at least I know everything is working fine) but then it starts jumping back (like there is a skip in the record). Tried several records, same result.

Manu al very basic and could not find other posts anywhere.
Thanks in advance!
recheck all your adjustments.  My arm tracks any record with/without any a/skate...or anything in between.  
Hi. I own a CB-L. I'm with stringreen, it tracks pretty much anything on any antiskate, setting but is awesome once dialled in.

Have you checked if the TT itself is level? 

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richardkrebs is right, check to make sure everything is level including whatever the tonearm is mounted too. Next, it is possible for the magnet to get stuck. Back the screw all the way out and tap the vertical shaft of the tonearm lightly just above the base with the arm in it's rest. Use a blank record if you have one. The arm should skate inwards at least a little. If not you should contact Frank here
Thanks guys!
I played with it last night a bit more, before reading these posts.

No improvement, but the VTA, VTF (1.8g) is OK and the TT is level.
Cannot confirm the overhang and azimuth as I could not have the arm not move to perform those.
It tracks fine until about middle of the record.
The arm is actually mounted on a 1968 Garrard 401 in a heavy DAS plinth, IsoAcoustic GAIA III feet.
I had an Ortofon SA-309 12" for a while (now on my Garrard 301) without any issues, with 2-3 different cartridges.

I will try again tonight after work your above advice.
I had some contact with Frank as well as Ana Mighty Sound (where I got my Scroeder No2 arm) in the past so will try them if not successful.
It is annoying as the sound is really lovely even with the current modest Marantz MA5 monoblocks/SC-7 preamp through SF Cremona Auditors...

You may have to send it back to Frank. He will make it good. It is a brilliant arm. Do tell us how it goes. Oh one more thing. The main shaft (not the arm Wand) has to be oriented just so to the spindle for the anti skate to work right. Make sure that is right!

Good Luck,
I will check - that may be the issue (lets hope).

Otherwise it will be months with the current shipping times to and from Germany. Other countries seem to a bit better  (except Spain).
Good news - at least for now
spent about 5 min fine tuning the VTA and taking the anti skate screw in and out twice and now all is good 
actually it sounds so good that I really don’t even want to touch it lol
Nope, issue is back however only at about half way through the last song on each LP. Sounds really nice despite all this pain...wil continue tinkering.
Hi. This could be an alignment issue. Distortion rises dramatically with all of the curves past their inner null points.  What cartridge alignment curve are you using? 

Sancho, twist the arm in it's mount so that at rest the tonearm is closer to the platter. That should fix it. You can also increase the VTF just a little.
Is the distortion more prominent in one channel or across them both?
This could be a clue to the problem

Again, a possibility......
Bad in the left channel, too much antiskate, Bad in the right channel, too little antiskate
Bad in both, incorrect alignment.

This is how my CB / Shelter Harmony behaves.


thanks guys I will try tonight!
No distortion, actually plays beautifully until it hits a spot when it starts skipping close to the end of the side.
Made some adjustments and now it seems everything is OK - for now.
Frank also responded and he suggested dates same, but he is concerned that someone might have twisted the wires and eventually he will need to service the arm.
Now there is some issue in the channel (recently serviced vintage Marantz gear) so will trouble shoot that tonight.

Again thank you all it was very helpful - much appreciate the support!