HELP - need a tuner expert - MusicaNova Pandora


I recenlty acquired a fairly rare tuner made by MusicaNova model name Pandora.

It is a wonderfully sleek all chrome affair that appears quite high-tech. It powers up and seems to work fine but I am embarrassed to say I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it work, and I have dealt with many rare and exotic tuners.

On top of that I cannot find out much about it either ...

See a photo of it here:

So ...

1) Does anyone have a copy of a manual I can buy (happy to pay for it)

2) does anyone have any experience with this model or know what it sold for new or know the company website that makes it.

I am really at a loss on this unit and have spend hours researching it but keep coming up empty handed - ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated and I am willing to compensate.

Thanks in advance...

Sounds like a one of/off piece. Otherwise there should be some literature or reference to the manufacturer on the web. I think you might be forced into taking it to a tech to look at the circuit and try to puzzle through it. Finally try a universal remote or else use as a decorative resonace control piece.