Johnnyr, that's an interesting suggestion. I have a few cheater plugs that you can't flip because one prong is wider than the other. Do they make cheater plugs that can be flipped as you describe? Just curious as I don't think I have any ground loop issues.
Help my Rotel RCD 1072 make music
6 months ago I purchased used Rotel RCD 1072 to pair with my Rotel RA-1062 and B&W 683s. Since the 1072 has been in place, the sound I'm getting is very detailed but flat, sterile, dry. Which is surprising because I was using a cheaper Sony CE595 for 7 years which sounds smoother and warmer in comparison. The 1072 is very attractive and well built but the sound it produces is cold and unemotional. Has anyone else felt similar disappointment with Rotel cd players and what did you do to improve the performance? Cables AQ King Cobra and Bedrock. THanks.