Help me with a Fidelity Research FR64 part

I got a mint FR64 tonearm at a great price. Sadly there was a catch it did not have the nut that fastens the arm at the base. It is a really fine thread (25 threads per inch) in fact my machinist doesn't have tooling for this.

so I want to know if anyone out there knows where I can get the said nut, or if they have one they can sell me - thanks
It’s likely to be metric.
You could by a thread gauge and possibly luck out with a standard metric pitch. A caliper will give you the diameter.
If a machinist cannot recognize the thread within 20 seconds run away from him, he is no good! It’s not a rocket science, I extracted the arm from the alu threaded male collar, brought it to a machinist and have it redone in stainless steel with a massive brass nut.
I'm afraid that the FR64 has a significantly finer thread than a standard metric/imperial machined thread - that is why I started the post...
Inapt. The word you were looking for viridian is inapt: not suitable or appropriate. Inept means clumsy. As in your command of language is inept. Like that.

Tacoma Screw, if you happened to have grown up in Tacoma, is a pretty darn apt name- both suitable and appropriate.

parrotbee if your machinist can't tap 25 threads per inch find yourself another machinist. Not that you will need one. Nobody machines a nut like this anyway. They are all standard parts. You just need to match up your threads and diameter with the type of nut you want to use.

Or you could just take the whole thing to Tacoma Screw. I bet they have what you need just sitting there and for a buck fifty, if that.
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