Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.



Showing 16 responses by erik_squires

If the answer is yes, then why attempt to disseminate why...if the answer is no...same point.

Why not? As I’ve said many times, art is not without context. Liking an expression and understanding the vector (where was it, where is it going?) are separate, but the latter can help you resonate and connect with the former.  It's up to me how I spend my time right?

I’m reminded of a friend, Lisa who took a class in Mesoamerican art. She had a really tough time with it until she took peyote, and boom, it all made sense. :)


this is another provocative thread you authored. I enjoy the questions you ask in this manner. They really get you thinking. Also, I enjoy how you adroitly "stay out of it". You are setting up the question and if a debate exists, then, so be it.

To be clear, my ignorance and desire to learn about this subject in my original post was genuine. I have very little to contribute other than to listen to the suggestions posted by those who could sympathize with my plight and show me a light forward.

Honestly I neither expected so much material to come out, nor did I expect any debate, and especially did not expect downright anger at a question seeking knowledge.

If we were in the 1700’s and I said "I don’t get this Bethoven guy, there’s no basso continuo anywhere... some one please help me understand the form of classical music..." I really don’t think I would have created so much debate. :-)


This thread has been one of my favorites on AG. Really great, and people sgarung love of music and not going “violent-nerd” on kit.

Thanks to all for the kind words.  Truthfully I have had little to do with how good this thread is besides asking for help overcoming one of my own shortcomings.

All the credit of the value and content of this thread goes to everyone who has contributed.

Thank you,

To go back, yes, we have connection to some artists and not to others, but I feel, strongly, that what we think of as just who WE are is learned.

Knowledge and exposure to it and art changes who you are at a fundamental level, so hearing early Coltrane, and who he was answering can change my ideas and your listening entirely.

So, while I appreciate that I'm not alone, I hope others won't mind if I try a little harder. :)



As to Coltrane, well, so you don’t like it - move on.

Kind of my choice whether or not to move on or not, don't you think?
I think you can slide into Sinatra via Mel Torme and Tony Bennet. :)

Also, don't make this weird.
I just wanted to say thanks so much to everyone who has lent an ear and suggested a good path to follow.

Despite what some may think, not all my posts are trolls. I am not contributing or replying to this right now because life has intervened and I'm not able to take up all the great suggestions here, but it looks like there's so much great material in this thread even if I can't take advantage of it just yet others will.

Thanks again!

I don't think it is wrong to work at something before giving up.

Imagine tennis, golf or chess. Neither seems that enjoyable when it feels like all you are doing is chasing a ball or having your ass handed to you by an 8 year old online. We all start that way. Even if you think you didn't, I am sure you had influencers who brought these to you. Same for music, I think. That I realize now that I've lacked those is why I'm reaching out.

Professional musicians need not compare themselves to my plight. :)


What are the tracks that puzzle you about him?

Almost all of it. I mean, of course I can listen to My Favorite Things, but it doesn't sound remarkable.... and the rest, I have a really tough time resonating with. A love supreme is honestly difficult for me.

So it's clear to me I am listening to him completely out of context and without an appreciation for what he brings extra to standards like My Favorite Things.

This thread is of course not to mock him, at all, but to try and hear enough of his world to hear him like others do.
 If a tune isn't grabbing your attention emotionally, without questioning  "why" you  should Ilike it...
it isn't for you.

Well, that's true, don't buy / listen to what you don't like, but it is also true in art that the temporal and historical context a piece was written in and responding to is the language.

You might see a Picasso and think nothing of it, but if you study art history and see the discussion happening in art suddenly Picasso makes sense as a response.
Leaving art and music to personal taste in the moment may leave you impoverished.

Also was he building off of or responding to any other artists?  That may help too.

Thank you.
