Help me out with streaming...

I'm currently streaming via USB from my mac mini into the usb input of a Hegel H190.  I'm using Audirvana with Tidal.  Is this optimal or am I missing something?




You can get get sound from a computer with Audirvana Plus.  I prefer streamers but my recommendation is get a streamer on trial, put it in the same system, and compare

Budget?  Optical Rendu would be a big improvement if in budget.  Also, dump Tidal and get Qobuz if you can.  It’s just better if they meet your musical preferences, and no need to deal with their ridiculous MQA bullsh*t. 

I am still lost.  I'm using the network input of the H190.  Am I supposed to just use Apple Airplay with Qobuz or is there another, better way


Also, when using Apple Airplay with Qubuz, everytime a new song comes on, the volume on the H190 resets (I hear a click from the H190)

I'm getting frustrated here.  I just want to stream Hi-Res music from the internet to my amp.