Help Me Downsize My Travel Rig

I take regular 12-15 hour flights.

My current travel listening rig is a windows 10 pro pc with about 6000 songs, in full res at a minimum, but many in hi res up to 24/192.

I run Fidelizer Pro on the PC and it outputs to an audioengine d1 (gen2) dac which then drives my headphones.

I don't want to spent $1k++ on a "hi res player" which probably won't be able to hold my library anyway.
Do you have any advice on a super stripped-down, small, ultralight Windows pc option which would only be used for storage/player? 


Showing 1 response by deep_333

I keep 1TB worth of music files in my phone's MicroSD card (or Qobuz streaming) ---> Cayin RU6 R2R Dongle DAC ---> Sony - WH1000XM5 (noise cancelling/wireless) headphones

When i carry a laptop during travel, it is for work. The music stays with the phone. A PC isn't required for me to enjoy high fidelity music  during travel.