Help me add music streaming to my Home Theater

I am a real Home Theater nut!
I have 12 speakers in my HT set-up,front L, center, and r2 rear,2 side4 Atmos in my ceiling,
and 1 additional center in the ceiling  above the center on the floor.
I am using a Marantz 8002 Pre/Pro

using Golden Ear's new Reference speaker for my front L & R
using a Classé 2 x 200 for my front 3 speakers and 2 rears
and a Emotiva 7-channel for the rest of my speakers.
I am using the OPPO UDM 205 player for my 4K discs

I really want to add music streaming to my HT but really have no idea what equipment I need to buy
so PLEASE give me some suggestions as to what direction I should go.
Thank you all so much in advance



If you have a smart TV, just connect this excellent, inexpensive Toslink cable:

in the appropriate length from smart TV to an iFi SPDIF iPurifier:

Then a good BNC-BNC coax from the iPurifier to your Pre-Pro like my Empirical Audio $275 Standard BNC cable in 4-foot length with adapters(never go less than 4 feet).

total cost: ~$460

This will reduce jitter from your TV feed and give you marvelous movie soundtracks in Dolby Digital from Netflix, Amazon Prime and Vudu.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

I just looked up your HT processor. It has music streaming built in. You don't need to add anything.
Well, you could go in a number of ways.  How much DIY do you want to do? :)

You could build a very nice streamer for about $70 with touch screen to run Volumio for instance.

The Pi now supports dual band Wifi / Bluetooth in addition to Ethernet.