HELP! Large speakers fell over during shipping.

Bought a pair of Dali Euphonia MS5 speakers. They must have fallen over during shipping. They were upside down on the pallet when they got to my house. 155Lbs for each box.
My question is, what could have happened internally? Could drivers be harmed? Crossovers? I refused delivery, but now the seller wants them re-delivered so the insurance agent can look them over. I never took them out of the (destroyed) boxes, but now I’ll have a chance to, and check them out. What should I look for (even if they still sound good)?

Showing 3 responses by tomcy6

Anyone who would put speakers on a pallet without strapping them down is pretty much guaranteeing that they will be damaged. I can’t believe anyone would do that. Tell him that was his mistake and he is responsible for what happened.
I’m contacting Dali today to price out driver and crossover replacements so I have some ammo when the insurance adjuster comes

The seller is the insured party so it’s up to him to file a claim and deal with the insurance. The insurance company will not deal with you because you did not buy the insurance. You are not the insured party.  Once you accept the delivery they are yours, as is.

If you can be convinced that the speakers are undamaged (by close inspection and hooking them up and listening to them before you accept delivery) you might want to keep them. If not, don’t accept delivery. Send them back.

Always pay for online purchases with a credit card. If the guy doesn’t want to refund your money, set up a dispute with either Paypal or the bank that issued the credit card. The first question they will ask is, "Do you have possession of the speakers?"