Help- audiophile husband just dies

Help- audiophile husband just died 

Can anyone recommend a person in the Philadelphia area to come look at my deceased husbands audio collection. Tune amps, headphones, gold cables ... I need to sell and want decent advice. Please email
I don’t really know how to use this forum so email best if ya have any advice. Thank you! Julie

True kindness here. I am grateful for Bill and Hank who came to my place well out of his way to help. Thank you all who responded with love and humanity. Ira was a truly good souls who would do anything to help anyone..and he did. He was a special education attorney and effected some so many. So it should be for anyone but just thought I’d let ya’ll know you are doing a solid for a sweetheart of a guy. And for me. Thank you and may karma be a thing!!

I do not live in the Philly area to be able to assist you, but I wanted to pass along my sincere condolences for the loss of your Husband.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to this group in the future in you need more advice or if you have further questions.  I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Hi Julie,
I too am so sorry for your loss. I am in the philly area and would be happy to to refer you to a local good ,honest person, but it looks like billjojo as well as the rest here are already moving in the right direction. What a difficult time. Reach out again if you need anything. 
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