Heimdall 2 vs. Frey 2

Most retailers, reviewers, and owners have a somewhat similar consensus that the Heimdall is the sweet spot and best value in the Nordost line (though I understand this is is system dependent). I've also read from several different owners that the difference between the Heimdall series 1 and the Frey series 1 is not that great to justify the increase in price. Has anyone heard or have any thoughts on the difference between the newer Heimdall 2 vs. the Frey 2? Either in speaker cables, interconnects, tonearm cables, or power cables?

Showing 5 responses by tablejockey

Robert Deutsch of Stereophile reviewed the amp with Nordost Valhalla and gave the amp a thumbs up.
Would the review have the same outcome had he used Heimdall? We can only speculate.
I think yes, because he may reason it questionable to stick cables well over half the retail value of said equipment. Notice his reasoning of pairing the speakers for review-a 4k retail speaker.
Likely, the Frey would put your SF's in their best best light over the Heimdall, but I'm thinking the improvement so minuscule that a component swap before going up the food chain with cables would be more sonically significant.
Even if I could afford them I wouldn't use the Frey with my PL. I would put my money elsewhere. Example-phono stage/cart
My $0.00002 cents.
I meant to include in my post-have you read the "Cable cost relative to system" thread in "What do you think?"
Almost like a religion debate. More stuff to digest.
Your gear has allowed "entrance" into the room of great sound.
Now you have to sift through ridiculous claims, price and as you mention-awful aesthetics.
I flip flop between being agnostic and a follower. The PL HP does respond favorably(in my system) to a power cord and conditioner.
Off topic, you're aware power tubes get you closer to what you seek as well. I have tried KT88 and EL 34. Currently like the sound of some old 6L6
Coke bottles.
I use a power conditioner more for the surge protection and I thought using my ancient $100 monster PLC was doing the HP an injustice. In keeping with the "value" theme, a now discontinued PS Audio powerplay unit is used.I guess the unit is doing its job as I can instantly hear a difference in overall dynamics compared to the monster. As a bonus, it looks much nicer in the rack than the mess of cable on the floor.
The power cord definetly is a YMMV thing. There doesn't seem to be a consistent thread with entry level cords(the only level I'm willing to try).I've had great results with the dubious Mapleshade cord, but it isn't a permanent fixture for obvious reasons. For now I use the Signal Cablle "magic" cord. While many users of this cord report good results, I don't hear any noticeable improvement over the stock cord. Fortunately, it's inexpensive. If I come across an exceptional deal, I may splurge for a Nordost or a Shunyata.
The cable thing really is a roll of the dice. I do believe starting with decent wall AC feeding the system and protection should be addresed.
Interesting read on your experience.  I see  a year has passed since my last post.

Patience and timing finding deals has allowed my system to now play through a complete mix of Frey2/Heimdall 2. Table has Frey2 -phono amp to speakers are Heimdall2. Power cords/IC's also H2. The cable  makeover now has my system performing as I expect. Also  did wall to  PS Audio Power Plant which feeds everything. 
All music simply sounds more realistic. 

"It's quite good, and unless you have a $ 20,000 system, you'll be quite happy with Frey2. Heimdall2 also, but Frey is the magic point , to my ears."

Your system clearly is at/near that cost/performance level to appreciate Frey2.
Im not so sure I would experience the considerable improvement heard since last years post. Frey2 at the source(table) is the limit for me. Very rare at least for now finding a private seller liquidating his Frey2 setup at least 50% off retail.
H2 can be found for reasonable prices.

I wouldn't hesitate to splurge on Odin2 if my system were at that level. 
The H2 should hold me over until I'm ready for a substancial$$$ gear overhaul, but that requires powerball winnings.