Hegel HD20 DAC-Has anyone heard it?


How would you describe the Sound of the Hegel Dac?

It is a very good dac and competitive with many good dacs, I heard it and it outperformed the Bryston Dac.

I did not hear it as a preamp, just as a dac. The Hegel throws a big sound stage and is quite warm and involving.

If you need the preamp functions and a good dac, it is a nice package.

I don't know how it compares with other dacs that are way more expensive. I did prefer the M2 Young over the HD 20,

there is a new HD 11 which offers a new 32 bit dac but no preamp section. I am waiting to hear that one.
Let's not forget audiofreakgeek sells the Hegel line and also posts under another moniker.

Caveat emptor.
The hegel dac is good for the money ,it cannot compete withthe next
Best in the pecking order thought he Berkeley two for example
Then the next step up is the Weiss and Ayon dac which personally
I feel is the most three dimensional and natural sounding and that has
A true single ended zeroed preamp, and dac- vacuum tube driven.
I tried Hegel Hd20, I compared with ps audio DAC mark I via bridge and coaxial. Hegel smooth but no on ps audio league sorry.
My 2 cents

Why did you prefer the ps audio DL3 over the Hegel?
I ended up getting the Rega dac, preferred its analog
sound over the Hegel.
PS audio with the bridge and coaxial, via wadia, much better that Hegel Hd20.
with AZ hologram cables, and Hegel H100 AMP, I TRIED nordost cable, very fatiguing on my set up, AZ cables best!!
I just invested in an Hegel HD25 (latest 32 bit DAC that precedes the HD20)

It's one of the most fascinating piece of equipment i heard of late, i had to have it even though i have another superdac which costs 4 times more, the sound of the HD25 is extremely warm and tube like, i am using this with the HiFace 2 from a MAC, but will be soon using it with the better HiFace Evo coupled with the dual chasis optional Evo Battery Supply from M2Tech which will also feed my Superdac Vaughan.

If i had a retirement system in mind, definitely will go with the Hegel+Harbeth Combination, just makes music and does nothing wrong, very unassuming
combination that really delivers.

In Fact, I've already put my Pass Labs XA60.5 Monos on sale and am keen on getting Hegel H30 Power Amp (though class A/B - Sounds More like Pure A) - to my ears, better than Pass anytime.
The Goodarcher,

Why don't you use the Hegel HD25 direct into your Mac? Why use the hiFace?

Happy listening,

Audio Archon
A client who is an experienced recording engineer, now involved in mastering in LA, just published his experience with the Hegel HD20 at

HiFiQC Blog

I use a Hegel HD20 as a DAC and preamp to a Mark Levinson N0.331. Speakers: System Audio Explorer Master.
Great sound, deep sound stage, great with live recordings, specially jazz, blues.
Well i had the Hiface from my previous set up - yes you are right unlike other DACS which will need the hiface because of bad USB implementation - the HD25 seem to be just fine without it...but still i still have a weak spot for M2Tech..i've since retained their DAC + HiFace combo, i guess i will still to this two set up as my core DACS..Hegel for Computer and M2Tech for Cd Transport..