Hegel H390 or NAD M33 for Bowers and Wilkins 802D2 speakers?

I am looking for a one box amplifier, streamer, and Dac for my B&W 802 D2 speakers. My listening room is about 400 square feet with 18 foot ceilings.

I previously had a 200 watt Cambridge Audio 840W amplifier and 840 E pre-amplifier with a bluesound node 2 streamer DAC that I was pretty happy with but was looking for a step up in sound and a one box solution. I bought a NAD M10 six months ago but sold it after a few months because it didn’t seem to be as musical, rich, lively and dynamic as my previous Cambridge system. With the Dirac activated (standard version up to 500 HZ) on the NAD M10 the bass tightened up but the sound stage seemed to be pushed too far back in the room and the speakers seemed to have a veiled sound with the mids and highs toned down too much.

I think I have narrowed my replacement down to the Hegel H390 or the NAD M33. Both the Hegel H390 and NAD M33 are about $7,000 MSRP in Canada and both seem to be getting great reviews. I was leaning towards the Hegel H390 but the brand new NAD M33 seems to be getting some great reviews and as a bonus looks much better than the Hegel H390. My hesitation with the NAD M33 is my prior experience with the NAD M10 but perhaps the big brother newer M33 with Eigentakt technology has solved some of the issues I have had with the M10?

I will probably be only streaming Tidal and Spotify from my music system with no plans for vinyl. I am looking for a a warm, lively, dynamic sound and listen to everything from pop music, classical, jazz, vocals, and classic rock.Any suggestions on which of these 2 to buy? Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to take either of these home to try in my room with my speakers before I buy.

Thanks for any help offered!


Showing 5 responses by jjss49

regarding the op's original query 


this is on point, and these guys spell it out... they are very experienced, run a serious brick and mortar store, carry BOTH hegel and nad, thus no axe to grind... they tell the truth in with a balanced and complete perspective (skip past first few minutes of small talk, serious content starts about 5 min in)
leave aside the dac portions of nad vs hegel, on pure musicality control tonality beauty of sound, hegel delivers some of the best solid state sonics money can buy

nad m33 is very good (and many enjoy it immensely), but frankly not in the same class as the mid to upper hegels - not a knock on the m33 but a compliment to hegel

the better the rest of the system, specifically the resolution/transparency of source and speakers, the more the difference will be apparent

just buy the nad... its ok... we hegel lovers won’t be offended in the least .... hahaha

many paths to musical happiness

enjoy the music
NAD was certainly stuck in purgatory using that poor icepower class d module on all their much hyped ’Masters’ level units, some folks like ej sarmento at w4s figured out how to make it sound pretty decent, but NAD never did

glad they have finally moved on to something that should sound better... hope it works
if sound quality is the priority i would strongly recommend the hegel over the nad, h390 is superb

no affiliation, just a very happy owner, have been thru past class d amplified nad’s, quite unimpressed with the sq