Hegel H300 vs Naim Supernait 2 vs Modwright KWI200

I'm still trying to find a solid state integrated amp for my AE1 Mk3 SE.

I can tryout the Naim with the local dealer. But there is no dealers for the other 2 brands.

Other suggestions welcome.

Thanks in adv,

I've heard a KWI200 that a friend owned and overall, I thought
it was a little uninvolving.....my friend ended up selling it, partly
because the overall construction he thought was below
where it should be (play in the knobs etc).....

I've heard Hegel at two audio shows and came away extremely

If someone's telling you that 60W is plenty for your speakers,
which I'm not familiar with....you should also throw in the Audio
Research VSI60 to your options......that is my favorite integrated
of all, but doesn't have a DAC

It would also enable you to go with a Hegel 100 or something
with less than the 300 @ lower cost.......
Beatlebum(((Honestly I cannot hear where things are built! Just funnin'which ya!)))

If you cant hear then, maybe you can feel this.

A fellow purchased a MF A5 CD player not all that long ago
Our Tech gets told Today we don't support that model any more.
Made in USA sounds like a better investment.

Sounds excellent to my ears in my room with my system. As far as I know, Musical Fidelity products are designed in the UK, built in Taiwan, and QC/QA takes place again in the UK. MF products have been produced like this for decades.

Honestly I cannot hear where things are built! Just funnin'which ya!
"04-01-15: Beatlebum
My recently acquired Musical Fidelity M6Si is an impressive sounding integrated as well! Can be had for under $3,000 too!
Beatlebum (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Did you actually listen to it yet? I tried some of the newer MF integrateds and was surprised at the sound quality. They sound absolutely nothing like the FM products that were made in the UK.
My recently acquired Musical Fidelity M6Si is an impressive sounding integrated as well! Can be had for under $3,000 too!
I had the Modwright KWI-200 and thought it was an excellent IA, especially since my speakers are rated at 84dB
the KWI-200 had no trouble driving them, lots of head room and sounded great with some warmth....not sure what coarse sounds like, but for me the MW performed well within my system. In fairness I have not heard the Hegel, so I have no base to compare the two. If the Hegel is working for you that's great.
Hegel is a sleeper product. I found the H4SE power amp to be a significant upgrade from my Pass X250.8.
I have to agree with Jkuc when calling the Hegel more refined.
I'm finding the MW coarse in comparison and that characteristic is what is driving me towards the Hegel more than anything else.
Hegel H300 vx Modwright KWI200 - the former is more organic sounding, more refined, musical.
I have listened to Devialet 200. It sounded really bad... Soundstage wide but shallow, lacked openness. Images rather big, bloated, no contours but edges of images dissipate..
The worst were live recordings, they didn't sound like life recordings at all, no atmosphere of the venue etc. but that's related to the mentioned shortcomings. Sound was kind of gimmicky, not natural. I was really disgusted.
Speakers were 15k$ Elac's.
"Is 60W enough?"

Yes. If I thought otherwise I wouldn't have recommended it.
I have the Modwright now and recently heard the Hegel in my system.
The MW, at least in my room with my speakers, has more bass and midrange warmth.
Is that good of bad? Matter of opinion I guess.
Hegel's bass not as prominent but tighter, perhaps the high damping factor of the Hegel contributes to this.
Though there is no shortage of treble with the MW I think the H300 has more air.
I really do think it depends on system/room matching and personal preference.
For me, I'm seriouly thinking of trading in the MW for the Hegel because after living with the former for a few months it's not curing some of the issues I had with my previous amp whereas the Hegel seems to

Thanks for the suggestion.

Is 60W enough? I forgot to mention the Pass lab INT-150 or 30A.

AX5 is just too much $.

I'm also considering the small Devialet.
I like the Ayre AX-7. I heard it with your speakers and it was a good match. Its way better than the Naim. I went back and forth between the 2.