Hegel Amplifiers

Tried asking this on various forums, but did not get enough information. If anyone visited the recent audio fests and have listened to Hegel amps - especially the H20 - please describe how you found the sound of the Hegel amps. Any comparison? This is one amp I have shortlisted besides the Parasound A21. Also considering Classe 2200. Did not hear any particular one.
Any feedback is appreciated.
For some reason, people really LOVE numbers.
Nope, there is a specific reason that people love numbers. The reason being they do not have enough experience with different amplifiers and only numbers make sense to them. And this, I believe, will come as we get deeper into this hobby. It is a learning curve and most of the audiophiles have gone through this, I guess.
Milpai, the Hegel is indeed a very good amplifier but in my experience, the Primare A33 and the Densen 330 were every bit as good and at a slightly lower price point; the Audia Flight 50 and the Chord SPM 650/1050 clearly outperformed it. The Parasound A21 is a very solid bet and probably one of the best in its price point. You really can't go wrong with it. Happy listening!
I can echo Jnk above. indeed for the level, the Densen sounded more engaging to me. You should note, however, that I was not listening critically.
I have heard H2A and H10(Limited Edition)with various gears. If you look for fast, tight, well controlled, lesser colored presentations, they can compete with many much pricier power amps. Both are modestly priced comparing to other similar products, especially H2A which is powerful enough in your system, IMHO.

Best regards