Hearing phase distortion

Just wondering if anyone else is highly phase sensitive? 

I just moved. For the umpteenth time I had to position speakers.

Once again I am dumbfounded.

Wisdom is that you can’t locate bass frequencies and that phase distortion from things like minimum phase filters should be inaudible.

Well once again I find I must place speakers with the front less than 3 feet from the wall behind them. It is similar to how I place subwoofers - they always must be within 3 feet of the plane of the front l and r speakers or it sounds wrong to me.

Is anyone else challenged like this? 

Normal wisdom says you pull the speakers out into the room but for me this doesn’t work until I reach a massive 10 feet out into the room (meaning rear wall reflections are attenuated significantly).

It means that as little as 5 feet in position is enough phase distortion for the sound to disassociate and sound phasey to my ears - even at bass frequencies!!!

I have a similar issue with MQA and minimum phase filters - I hear the added phase delay distortion in the ultra HF introduced by these type filters. I have yet to find someone who can hear this but it seems obvious to me....it can be described as a lack of solidity to the image and soundstage and is easily recognizable.


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Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

Phase distortion is very well defined and a concrete term in sound reproduction:

Thanks, I stand corrected. Well, actually I'm sitting, but you get the idea.

It is really hard to engage with so many undefined terms like "phase distortion" being used, but based on your description, you aren't hearing change in relative time, so much as changes to frequency response. Comb filtering effects caused by different speaker positioning. It's an amplitude vs. frequency issue, even if it's a very tight set of them.